In this challenge we will need to perform some computation coming from a remote
First let's read through the help menu
All results are rounded
to 2 digits after the point.
ex. 9.5752 -> 9.58
Error Codes
* Divide by 0:
This may be alien technology,
but dividing by zero is still an error!
Expected response: DIV0_ERR
* Syntax Error
Invalid expressions due syntax errors.
ex. 3 +* 4 = ?
Expected response: SYNTAX_ERR
* Memory Error
The remote machine is blazingly fast,
but its architecture cannot represent any result
outside the range -1337.00 <= RESULT <= 1337.00
Expected response: MEM_ERR
So now we know something about rounding and the types of errors we should have.
I will shamelessly pass all the input to eval
in python.
It would have been funny if they sent an RCE :)
The errors are pretty much already covered by python and the calculation logic is obviously implemented.
from pwn import *
p = remote('', 30418)
p.sendlineafter(b'>', b'1')
for i in range(0, 500):
req = p.recvuntil(b'=')
eq = req.split(b': ')[1][:-2]
ans = None
ans = round(eval(eq), 2)
if ans < -1337.00 or ans > 1337.00: ans = 'MEM_ERR'
else: ans = str(ans)
except ZeroDivisionError:
ans = 'DIV0_ERR'
except SyntaxError:
ans = 'SYNTAX_ERR'
print(f' -- {ans}')
p.sendlineafter(b'>', bytes(ans, 'utf-8'))