issues Search Results · repo:hortonworks/ansible-hortonworks language:Python
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inhortonworks/ansible-hortonworks (press backspace or delete to remove)TASK [ambari-blueprint : Fail if the cluster create task is in an error state] ************************************************************************************************************************************ ...
- 1
- Opened on Jan 20, 2021
- #186
Could you please help me to resolve this error which iam getting when i tried to run this command bash in following ansible code to build hadoop cluster for automation. ambari is already ...
- 3
- Opened on Jun 9, 2020
- #184
How can we reinstall one node in the cluster without reinstalling all the nodes of the cluster. If in the
inventory/static file I want to only reinstall slave02?
master01 ansible_host= ...
- 1
- Opened on Jun 4, 2020
- #183
Logical Task: Start Component Ranger Tagsync On Host Pending Host Assignment : Hostgroup=hdp-master. Getting the above
error when using FreeIPA ldap authentication paramter in groupvar/all.
ambari_version: ...
- Opened on May 19, 2020
- #182
Motivation for this issue: Have a place in the community to discuss the future of Cloudera distributions (HDP, CDH, CDP)
Deployment/DevOps (with ansible).
- for HDP ansible installations we have this ...
- 2
- Opened on Apr 24, 2020
- #181
Im trying ambari setup with python3.x version as the python team has announced the sunset of python2.x version from this
year, we want to do a fresh installation with Python3.x. Do we have ansible-hortonworks ...
- 1
- Opened on Feb 25, 2020
- #179
Hello everyone,
In the tasks playbooks/roles/common/tasks/tuned.yml
shell: tuned-adm profile hortonworks
Fails on RHEL7.6 with command not found .
Changing the shell to use the full path /usr/sbin/tuned-adm ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 12, 2019
- #176
This issue exists since the beginning (of me using the role), up to my latest deployment tests. Notes about this
- HDP-3.1.4, HDF, Ambari 2.7.3 .
- Note Ambari v2.7.4 is incompatible ...
- 2
- Opened on Sep 27, 2019
- #172
Is there any suggested way of adding nodes to cluster using ansible playbook?
Thanks, Mustafa
- 1
- Opened on Sep 4, 2019
- #171
- Complex: At 1 customer, where other team members had to work with our roles, it was very hard for (less
ansible-experienced) people to grasp the inner workings for mainly 2 reasons, ...
- 1
- Opened on Sep 2, 2019
- #169

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