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A collection of Web Developement Resources at one place

Ultimate-Web-Development-Resources by server-x-101


Please see CONTRIBUTING, CODE-OF-CONDUCT for details before you contribute.

Table of Contents

Web Development Roadmaps

Web design softwares

Prototyping tools for UI/UX

Free Hosting

Websites to learn

Websites for code challenges

Web Images or Photos

Web Color Palettes

Chrome Extensions For Web Developers

Chart Visualizations

Web Illustrations

Web fonts

Website Optimization Tools

Interview Preparation

Free Website Templates For Inspiration

Website Copier

HTML Learning Resources

CSS Learning Resources

JS Learning Resources

Let's pick a framework/library for you

Bio Links

Github Student Developer Pack Resources

More information about the pack can be found here Github Student Developer Pack

Website for Project Management and Notes

User Authentication

Animations and Graphics

Awesome CSS generators

Free YouTube resources

HTML Learning Resources

CSS Learning Resources

JS Learning Resources

Code Playgrounds

Top React Component Libraries

Top JavaScript Libraries

Top JavaScript Frameworks

Top JavaScript Runtime

Top JavaScript Frameworks Backend

List Of Projects

parallax flipping cards card object hover portfolio-threejs alaram clock
alaram clock version 2 ascii value generator audio recorder bg color picker
big tech ceos blogging app mern blogging site blogging site version 2
bubble smash cartoonify we du landing pg ui catch me card check password strength
chess powershell count passangers desktop notifications disney game
employees management en dictionary expense tracker find your city
firebase google auth flappy bird game generate morse code generate qr image
generate qr image animated generate qr image late generate random meme new generate random meme old
generate random password generate random passwords generatre random jokes guess number between 20
javascript interview quiz love calculator ludo pwershell py math oprations quiz
mini calculator myntra landing pg ui netflix landing pg ui notes storing app
others photographer landing pg ui play answer quiz game play cricket game
play hangman game play mario matching play memory card game play rock paper scissor game
play stone paper scissor game basic play tetris game play the drums play tic tac toe game basic
play type correct play win dice game portfolio old version portfolio old version 2
portfolio site bootstrap rainbow clock random linear gradient bg random user cards
recipe finder rgb mouse hover effect savory sojourns landing pg ui simple music player card
smooth animation login pg table tennis score traker takeoff airplane game task management app
temperature convertor ui temprature convertor initial to do list typeify typing speed test
unique e commerce store url shortner script weather app weight converter app

Preview List Of Projects

parallax flipping cards card object hover portfolio-threejs alaram clock
alaram clock version 2 ascii value generator audio recorder bg color picker
big tech ceos blogging app mern blogging site blogging site version 2
bubble smash cartoonify we du landing pg ui catch me card check password strength
chess powershell count passangers desktop notifications disney game
employees management en dictionary expense tracker find your city
firebase google auth flappy bird game generate morse code generate qr image
generate qr image animated generate qr image late generate random meme new generate random meme old
generate random password generate random passwords generatre random jokes guess number between 20
javascript interview quiz love calculator ludo pwershell py math oprations quiz
mini calculator myntra landing pg ui netflix landing pg ui notes storing app
others photographer landing pg ui play answer quiz game play cricket game
play hangman game play mario matching play memory card game play rock paper scissor game
play stone paper scissor game basic play tetris game play the drums play tic tac toe game basic
play type correct play win dice game portfolio old version portfolio old version 2
portfolio site bootstrap rainbow clock random linear gradient bg random user cards
recipe finder rgb mouse hover effect savory sojourns landing pg ui simple music player card
smooth animation login pg table tennis score traker takeoff airplane game task management app
temperature convertor ui temprature convertor initial to do list typeify typing speed test
unique e commerce store url shortner script weather app weight converter app

Please note that the links provided are the GitHub repository URLs for each project.

Web For Testing and Check The Security Score

Tutorial in Other Languages

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