A turn based two player game built on MERN stack technologies.
Available to play here.
Read the development story here.
You will need to have node, npm and yarn installed.
# First clone this repository with git
git clone https://github.com/sjsakib/dot-connect.git
# Then move inside the project, install the client side dependencies and run the front-end
cd dot-connect
yarn install
yarn start
# Now open a new shell window and move to the server folder
# and install the server side dependencies and run the server
cd server
yarn install
yarn start
An internet connection is required for the app to work. Because it uses a sandbox database instance from mlab instead of local installation of Mongo.
The game starts with a grid of dots. Each player in turn connects two dots vertically or horizontally. If this connection makes a box, he gets a point and another move. No move can be passed. When the grid is complete, the player with most points wins.
Key technologies used are react, react-redux, react-router, socket.io-client in the frontend and Node, Express, Mongo, Mongoose, socket.io in the backend.
The main feature is to be able play the game online against a friend. Link of the game can be sent after creating a new game. Anyone with that link can join the game. If the Anyone can join
option is checked while creating the game, anyone can join the from the available game list.
The on-going games can be watched live.
Users can sign-in using facebook to save their game progresses, and score. Top players are shown in a list under Top player
Here are few screenshots of the game.
The home page
Create a game
Waiting for opponent
Join a game
A game going on
Top chart