Become a sponsor to Noovolari
We share the passion for solving problems with a deep technical approach and expand and polish the skills needed in every technology aspect involving the cloud:
We create products that revolutionize the way we work in complex multi-cloud environments, allowing our customers to achieve their business goals through the unification, centralization, and facilitation of cloud processes following best practices
We want to be a beacon for companies seeking a standard for complex processes in multi-cloud environments
We believe in a world where everyone can contribute to evolve and innovate faster; we believe that all digital products should be open to contributions
We want to grow as people and be aware of the unique goals that we can achieve, thanks to mutual trust and teamwork
This sponsorship allows us to maintain our open-source projects and develop new ones, starting from Leapp!
Meet the team
Nicolò Marchesi pethronProduct Lead
Eric Villa ericvillaTech Lead
Alessandro Gaggia urz9999Development Hero
Featured work
Leapp is the DevTool to access your cloud
TypeScript 1,651
$5 a month
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Earn a nice sponsor badge together with our gratitude! Cheers! 🍻
$10 a month
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$100 a month
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Your company logo will be added to the Supporters section of the README
$200 a month
Select💍 Logo on website
Your company logo will figure on the Supporters page on our website
$1,000 a month
Select👑 Support Plan
We'll make a private channel on our Slack to help and support all your company!
Contact us so we can arrange everything! 🍸