Everscale GraphQL Server.
This component is a part of EverX Labs Server and must not be accessed directly but through EverX Labs Client Libraries.
Clone this repository and run
npm install
You can configure Q Server with command line parameters and/or ENV variables:
Option ENV Default Description
---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--config Q_CONFIG Path to JSON configuration file
--host Q_HOST {ip} Listening address
--port Q_PORT 4000 Listening port
--keep-alive Q_KEEP_ALIVE 60000 GraphQL keep alive ms
--requests-mode Q_REQUESTS_MODE kafka Requests mode:
`tcpadnl` – posts external messages to c++ liteserver
`kafka` – writes external messages to kafka topic
`rest` – posts external messages to REST endpoint
`jrpc` – posts external messages to JRPC endpoint
--requests-server Q_REQUESTS_SERVER kafka:9092 Requests server url
--requests-pubkey Q_REQUESTS_PUBKEY Liteserver base64 pubkey
--requests-topic Q_REQUESTS_TOPIC requests Requests topic name
--requests-max-size Q_REQUESTS_MAX_SIZE 65535 Maximum request message size in bytes
--subscriptions-kafka-server Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_KAFKA_SERVER kafka:9092 Subscriptions server url (for 'external' subscriptions mode)
--subscriptions-kafka-topic Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_KAFKA_TOPIC subscriptions Subscriptions topic name (for 'external' subscriptions mode)
--subscriptions-max-filter-size Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_MAX_FILTER_SIZE 65535 Maximum subscription's filter size in bytes (for 'external' subscriptions mode)
--subscriptions-filters-millis Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_FILTERS_MILLIS 30000 Kafka keep alive period for filters in millisecons (for 'external' subscriptions mode)
--subscriptions-redis-port Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REDIS_PORT 6379 Redis port (for 'external' subscriptions mode)
--subscriptions-redis-host Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_REDIS_HOST redis Redis host (for 'external' subscriptions mode)
--subscriptions-health-redis-channel Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HEALTH_REDIS_CHANNEL Redis channel with 'subscriptions are alive' messages
--subscriptions-health-timeout Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_HEALTH_TIMEOUT 60000 Timeout for 'subscriptions are alive' messages
--filter-or-conversion Q_FILTER_OR_CONVERSION sub-queries Filter OR conversion:
`or-operator` – q-server uses AQL with OR
`sub-queries` – q-server performs parallel queries for each OR operand
and combines results (this option provides faster execution
than OR operator in AQL)
--stringify-key-in-aql-comparison Q_STRINGIFY_KEY_IN_AQL_COMPARISON false **UNSTABLE!** If `true` then AQL will use `TO_STRING(doc._key)` conversion
if _key comparison operator is used in filter (e.g. `{ id: { lt: "123" }`).
--query-max-runtime Q_QUERY_MAX_RUNTIME 600 Max allowed execution time for ArangoDb queries in seconds
--query-max-timeout-arg Q_QUERY_MAX_TIMEOUT_ARG 86400000 Max allowed `timeout` argument value (is ms) for collections queries
(timeout will be coerced down to this value)
--slow-queries Q_SLOW_QUERIES redirect Slow queries handling:
`enable` – process slow queries on the main database
`redirect` – redirect slow queries to slow-queries database
`disable` – fail on slow queries
--query-wait-for-period Q_QUERY_WAIT_FOR_PERIOD 1000 Initial collection polling period for wait-for queries
(collection queries with timeout) in ms
--remp-enabled Q_REMP_ENABLED false REMP enabled
--remp-redis-client-url Q_REMP_REDIS_CLIENT_URL redis://localhost:6379 URL to remp redis
--remp-message-list-key Q_REMP_MESSAGE_LIST_KEY remp-receipts:{message} Key for message list
This parameter must contain substring `{message}`
that will be replaced with actual message id
--remp-message-changes-key Q_REMP_MESSAGE_CHANGES_KEY __keyspace@0__:remp-receipts:{message} Key for message changes channel
This parameter must contain substring `{message}`
that will be replaced with actual message id
--use-listeners (DEPRECATED) Q_USE_LISTENERS true Use database listeners for subscriptions (deprecated in favor of subscriptions-mode)
--walking-use-cache Q_WALKING_USE_CACHE false Use cache to serve block walking algorithm
--ignore-messages-for-latency Q_IGNORE_MESSAGES_FOR_LATENCY false Exclude messages from total latency (for networks without service messages)
--subscriptions-mode Q_SUBSCRIPTIONS_MODE arango Subscriptions mode:
`disabled` - disable subscriptions
`arango` - subscribe to ArangoDB WAL for changes
`external` - use external services to handle subscriptions
--hot Q_HOT Default hot databases
--archive Q_ARCHIVE Default archive databases
--hot-cache Q_HOT_CACHE hot cache server
--hot-cache-expiration Q_HOT_CACHE_EXPIRATION 10 hot cache expiration in seconds
--hot-cache-empty-data-expiration Q_HOT_CACHE_EMPTY_DATA_EXPIRATION 2 hot cache empty entries expiration in seconds
--accounts Q_ACCOUNTS Accounts databases
--blocks-hot Q_BLOCKS_HOT Blocks hot databases
--blocks-archive Q_BLOCKS_ARCHIVE Blocks archive databases
--blocks-cache Q_BLOCKS_CACHE Blocks cache server
--blocks-cold Q_BLOCKS_COLD Blocks cold databases
--transactions-hot Q_TRANSACTIONS_HOT Transactions and messages hot databases
--transactions-archive Q_TRANSACTIONS_ARCHIVE Transactions and messages archive databases
--transactions-cache Q_TRANSACTIONS_CACHE Transactions and messages cache server
--transactions-cold Q_TRANSACTIONS_COLD Transactions and messages cold databases
--zerostate Q_ZEROSTATE Zerostate database
--counterparties Q_COUNTERPARTIES Counterparties databases
--chain-ranges-verification Q_CHAIN_RANGES_VERIFICATION Chain ranges verification databases
--slow-queries-hot-cache Q_SLOW_QUERIES_HOT_CACHE Slow queries hot cache server
--slow-queries-hot-cache-expiration Q_SLOW_QUERIES_HOT_CACHE_EXPIRATION 10 Slow queries hot cache expiration in seconds
--slow-queries-hot-cache-empty-data-expiration Q_SLOW_QUERIES_HOT_CACHE_EMPTY_DATA_EXPIRATION 2 Slow queries hot cache empty entries expiration in seconds
--slow-queries-accounts Q_SLOW_QUERIES_ACCOUNTS Slow queries accounts databases
--slow-queries-blocks-hot Q_SLOW_QUERIES_BLOCKS_HOT Slow queries blocks hot databases
--slow-queries-blocks-archive Q_SLOW_QUERIES_BLOCKS_ARCHIVE Slow queries blocks archive databases
--slow-queries-blocks-cache Q_SLOW_QUERIES_BLOCKS_CACHE Slow queries blocks cache server
--slow-queries-blocks-cold Q_SLOW_QUERIES_BLOCKS_COLD Slow queries blocks cold databases
--slow-queries-transactions-hot Q_SLOW_QUERIES_TRANSACTIONS_HOT Slow queries transactions and messages hot databases
--slow-queries-transactions-archive Q_SLOW_QUERIES_TRANSACTIONS_ARCHIVE Slow queries transactions and messages archive databases
--slow-queries-transactions-cache Q_SLOW_QUERIES_TRANSACTIONS_CACHE Slow queries transactions and messages cache server
--slow-queries-transactions-cold Q_SLOW_QUERIES_TRANSACTIONS_COLD Slow queries transactions and messages cold databases
--slow-queries-zerostate Q_SLOW_QUERIES_ZEROSTATE Slow queries zerostate database
--block-bocs-s3-endpoint Q_BLOCK_BOCS_S3_ENDPOINT block-bocs S3 endpoint
--block-bocs-s3-region Q_BLOCK_BOCS_S3_REGION block-bocs S3 region
--block-bocs-s3-bucket Q_BLOCK_BOCS_S3_BUCKET everblocks block-bocs S3 bucket
--block-bocs-s3-num-buckets Q_BLOCK_BOCS_S3_NUM_BUCKETS 0 block-bocs S3 number of buckets (if specified and > 0, then bucket name will be equal to `{bucket}-{crc32(file) % numBuckets}`)
--block-bocs-s3-access-key Q_BLOCK_BOCS_S3_ACCESS_KEY block-bocs S3 access key
--block-bocs-s3-secret-key Q_BLOCK_BOCS_S3_SECRET_KEY block-bocs S3 secret key
--block-bocs-s3-timeout Q_BLOCK_BOCS_S3_TIMEOUT 300000 block-bocs S3 request timeout in millis
--block-bocs-pattern Q_BLOCK_BOCS_PATTERN block-bocs BOC retrieval url pattern. `{hash} will be replaced with BOC's hash
--block-bocs-arango-database Q_BLOCK_BOCS_ARANGO_DATABASE block-bocs Arango database
--block-bocs-arango-collection Q_BLOCK_BOCS_ARANGO_COLLECTION blocks block-bocs Arango collection
--accounts-evernode-rpc-endpoint Q_ACCOUNTS_EVERNODE_RPC_ENDPOINT Accounts Evernode RPC endpoint
--accounts-evernode-rpc-timeout Q_ACCOUNTS_EVERNODE_RPC_TIMEOUT 300000 Accounts Evernode RPC timeout in millis
--jaeger-endpoint Q_JAEGER_ENDPOINT Jaeger endpoint
--trace-service Q_TRACE_SERVICE Q Server Trace service name
--trace-tags Q_TRACE_TAGS Additional trace tags (comma separated name=value pairs)
--last-key-block-cache-enabled Q_LAST_KEY_BLOCK_CACHE_ENABLED true Last key block cache enabled
--last-key-block-cache-ttl-ms Q_LAST_KEY_BLOCK_CACHE_TTL_MS 300000 Last key block cache TTL in millis
--statsd-server Q_STATSD_SERVER StatsD server (host:port)
--statsd-tags Q_STATSD_TAGS Additional StatsD tags (comma separated name=value pairs)
--statsd-reset-interval Q_STATSD_RESET_INTERVAL 0 Interval between statsd reconnects.
If it is zero – no reconnects.
--is-tests Q_IS_TESTS false Determines that q-server runs in unit tests mode.
--network-name Q_NETWORK_NAME cinet.tonlabs.io Define the name of the network q-server is working with
--cache-key-prefix Q_CACHE_KEY_PREFIX Q_ Prefix string to identify q-server keys in data cache
--endpoints Q_ENDPOINTS Alternative endpoints of q-server (comma separated addresses)
If you use config.json
file the specified file must have the following structure (in TypeScript
type QConfig = {
config: string,
server: {
host: string,
port: number,
keepAlive: number,
requests: {
mode: RequestsMode,
server: string,
pubkey: string,
topic: string,
maxSize: number,
queries: {
filter: FilterConfig,
maxRuntimeInS: number,
slowQueries: SlowQueriesMode,
waitForPeriod: number,
useListeners: boolean,
blockchain: QBlockchainDataConfig,
counterparties: string[],
chainRangesVerification: string[],
slowQueriesBlockchain?: QBlockchainDataConfig,
data?: QDeprecatedDataConfig,
slowQueriesData?: QDeprecatedDataConfig,
authorization: {
endpoint: string,
jaeger: {
endpoint: string,
service: string,
tags: Record<string, string>,
statsd: {
server: string,
tags: string[],
resetInterval: number,
mamAccessKeys: string[],
isTests: boolean,
networkName: string,
cacheKeyPrefix: string,
endpoints: string[],
type FilterConfig = {
orConversion: FilterOrConversion,
type QBlockchainDataConfig = {
hotCache?: string,
hotCacheExpiration: number,
hotCacheEmptyDataExpiration: number,
accounts: string[],
blocks: QHotColdDataConfig,
transactions: QHotColdDataConfig,
zerostate: string,
type QHotColdDataConfig = {
hot: string[],
cache?: string,
cold: string[],
type QDeprecatedDataConfig = {
mut?: string;
hot?: string;
cold?: string[];
cache?: string;
counterparties?: string;
enum SlowQueriesMode {
ENABLE = "enable",
REDIRECT = "redirect",
DISABLE = "disable"
export enum RequestsMode {
TCP_ADNL = "tcpadnl", // via c++ lite-server tcp adnl
KAFKA = "kafka",
REST = "rest",
JRPC = "jrpc",
enum FilterOrConversion {
OR_OPERATOR = "or-operator",
SUB_QUERIES = "sub-queries",
Command line parameters and ENV variables with "databases" at the end of description accept comma-separated list of database urls (described below). E.g.:
Q_ACCOUNTS: accounts_db_url
Q_BLOCKS_HOT: blocks_00_url,blocks_01_url,blocks_10_url,blocks_11_url
Zerostate database defaults to the first database in hot blocks databases. Db config must be specified in the form of URL:
default value ishttps://
default is empty (it is means no auth);port
default is8529
default is empty;name
default isblockchain
is a maximum simultaneous connection to the arango database. Default is100
for fast queries and3
for slow queries.listenerRestartTimeout
when Arango WAL listener has encountered a connection problem, it retries using this timeout. Measured in milliseconds. Default is1000
enables cache of the arango query results. Measured in milliseconds.0
disables caching. Default is0
node index.js
Q-Server is accessible with GraphQL HTTP/WebSocket protocol on port "4000" and path "/graphql".
There is the only valid way to communicate with Q-Server – EverX Labs Client Libraries.
Q-Server reports several StatsD metrics if it is configured with statsd
Metric Type Tags Description
--------------------------- ------- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
qserver.start counter collection=name Incremented for each start.
Contains the `version` tag.
qserver.doc.count counter collection=name Incremented for each db event (document insert/update)
qserver.post.count counter Incremented for each node request
qserver.post.failed counter Incremented for each failed node request
qserver.query.count counter collection=name Incremented for each db query
qserver.query.failed counter collection=name Incremented for each failed db query
qserver.query.slow counter collection=name Incremented each time when q-server has encountered
slow query
qserver.query.time timer collection=name Reported each time when q-server has finished
query handler from SDK client
qserver.request.duration timer Reported each time when q-server has finished
HTTP request from SDK client
qserver.query.active gauge collection=name Updated each time when q-server has started and finished
query handler from SDK client
qserver.subscription.count counter collection=name Incremented for each subscription start
qserver.stats.error.internal counter Incremented for each internal server error
Q-Server can report additional tags with help of optional parameter Q_STATSD_TAGS
If you need to add or change or remove index in Arango Db you must change following files:
- [https://github.com/everx-labs/ever-q-server/blob/d491c7c0e6e11cb70d5f7f0813eef719ea6b997d/src/server/data/data-provider.js#L65]
- [https://github.com/everx-labs/TVM-infrastructure/blob/ef4d409d9508ca5e1d815c5f21ec11f16c4b8f39/pipelines/arango/arango/initdb.d/upgrade-arango-db.js#L7]
How to determine which index required to serve some slow query.
Let look to SLOW query reported by q-server log.
messages QUERY {"filter":{"src":{"eq":"..."},"dst":{"eq":"..."},"value":{"ne":null},"OR":{"src":{"eq":"..."},"dst":{"eq":"..."},"value":{"ne":null}}},"orderBy":[{"path":"created_at","direction":"DESC"}],"limit":1}
First, lets extract collection
, filter
and orderBy
collection: messages
filter: {"src":{"eq":"..."},"dst":{"eq":"..."},"value":{"ne":null},"OR":{"src":{"eq":"..."},"dst":{"eq":"..."},"value":{"ne":null}}}
Next, reduce filter and order by:
- remove quotes;
- remove constants (
); - remove filter outer
; - replace order by with path direction pairs;
collection: messages
filter: src:{eq},dst:{eq},value:{ne},OR:{src:{eq},dst:{eq},value:{ne}}
orderBy: created_at DESC
Next, separate filter by OR
on several filters:
collection: messages
filter: src:{eq},dst:{eq},value:{ne}
filter: src:{eq},dst:{eq},value:{ne}
orderBy: created_at DESC
Next, remove duplicated filters:
collection: messages
filter: src:{eq},dst:{eq},value:{ne}
orderBy: created_at DESC
Next, collect fields from filter and order by into index (filter fields must be placed first in any
order, then fields from orderBy
in same order as in orderBy
collection: messages
filter: src:{eq},dst:{eq},value:{ne}
orderBy: created_at DESC
index: src,dst,value,created_at
FIRST. If you have modified source code you need to compile it:
npm run tsc
This will regenerate file in dist
SECOND. If you want to modify scheme of database, you must do it only in one
place: db-schema.ts
. After that you need to generate source code for a graphql type definitions and
for resolvers JavaScript code. You must do it with:
npm run tsc
npm run gen
npm run tsc
Yes, you need too run tsc twice :(.
By default tests connect to Arango on [http://localhost:8901]
$ npx everdev se start
Starting tonlabs-tonos-se-user... ✓
$ npx everdev se set --db-port 8901
Stopping [tonlabs-tonos-se-user]... ✓
Removing [tonlabs-tonos-se-user]... ✓
Creating tonlabs-tonos-se-user... ✓
Starting tonlabs-tonos-se-user... ✓
$ npx everdev se info
Instance State Version GraphQL Port ArangoDB Port Docker Container Docker Image
-------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------- --------------------- --------------------------
default running 0.28.11 80 8901 tonlabs-tonos-se-user tonlabs/local-node:0.28.11
$ Q_HOT=http://localhost:8901 Q_ARCHIVE=http://localhost:8901 Q_SLOW_QUERIES=enable npm run test
Optionally you can change Arango address for the tests
$ npx everdev se set --db-port 2021
$ npx everdev se info
Instance State Version GraphQL Port ArangoDB Port Docker Container Docker Image
-------- ------- ------- ------------ ------------- --------------------- --------------------------
default running 0.28.11 80 2021 tonlabs-tonos-se-user tonlabs/local-node:0.28.11
$ export Q_ACCOUNTS="http://localhost:2021"
$ export Q_HOT="http://localhost:2021"
$ export Q_ARCHIVE="http://localhost:2021"
$ Q_SLOW_QUERIES=enable npm run test
You can change default behavior with env:
export Q_ACCOUNTS=http://localhost:8529
or/and via arg --config <path to config>
"endpoints": [],
"server": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": 4000,
"keepAlive": 60000
"requests": {
"mode": "rest",
"server": "kafka:9092",
"pubkey": "",
"topic": "requests",
"maxSize": "16383"
"blockchain": {
"hotCache": "",
"hotCacheExpiration": 10,
"hotCacheEmptyDataExpiration": 3,
"acounts": [],
"blocks": {
"hot": [],
"cache": "",
"cold": []
"transactions": {
"hot": [],
"cache": "",
"cold": []
"zerostate": ""
"slowQueriesBlockchain": {
"hotCache": "",
"hotCacheExpiration": 10,
"hotCacheEmptyDataExpiration": 3,
"acounts": [],
"blocks": {
"hot": [],
"cache": "",
"cold": []
"transactions": {
"hot": [],
"cache": "",
"cold": []
"zerostate": ""
"authEndpoint": "",
"mamAccessKeys": "",
"jaegerEndpoint": "",
"trace": {
"service": "",
"tags": []
"statsd": {
"server": "",
"tags": [],
"resetInterval": 0
Configuration priority is follows:
Program args > Config file > ENVs > defaults
QServer can reload config file without an actual restart by handling SIGHUP
Required at least one of --config
or env Q_CONFIG
to be set at server start
If you want to run q-server in docker do the following:
- Compile source files
npm install
npm run tsc
- Build docker image
docker build . -t qserver
- q-server needs other available resources (like ArangoDB and node). The easiest way to provide them is to run Evernode SE as a docker image:
$ everdev se start
$ everdev se set --db-port 8901
Wait a bit (sometimes it takes up to 2 minutes) and check if the ArangoDB web interface is available at http://localhost:8901.
- Create and run a new container (change to your IP address)
docker run --rm -d \
-p 4000:4000 \
-e Q_DATA_MUT= \
-e Q_DATA_HOT= \
GraphQL playground must be available on http://localhost:4000/graphql