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# PowerShell Koans
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[![Coverage Status][coverage-badge]][build-link] |
- [PowerShell Koans](#powershell-koans)
- [About the Author](#about-the-author)
@@ -24,13 +24,13 @@
### Joel Sallow
-- [Blog](https://vexx32.github.io)
-- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/vexx32)
+- [Blog][blog]
+- [Twitter][twitter]
## Synopsis
-Inspired by Chris Marinos' **fantastic** [F# koans](https://github.com/ChrisMarinos/FSharpKoans), the goal of the PowerShell koans is to teach you PowerShell by presenting you with a set of questions.
-Each [kōan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dan) (each question) is represented by a failing Pester test.
+Inspired by Chris Marinos' **fantastic** [F# koans][fsharp-koans], the goal of the PowerShell koans is to teach you PowerShell by presenting you with a set of questions.
+Each [kōan][define-koan] (each question) is represented by a failing Pester test.
Your goal is to make those tests pass by filling out the correct answer, or writing the correct code.
The koans start very simple to get you familiar with the basic concepts and progress towards more difficult.
Teaching you multiple beginner, intermediate and advanced aspects of PowerShell in the process.
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ To get started please navigate to [prerequisites](#prerequisites) and [getting s
## Command Reference
-View the PSKoans [Command Reference Documentation](docs/PSKoans.md).
+View the PSKoans [Command Reference Documentation][reference-docs].
## Prerequisites
@@ -85,42 +85,13 @@ Install-Module PSKoans -Scope CurrentUser
You will be presented with a page describing your goal:
- Welcome, seeker of enlightenment.
- Please wait a moment while we examine your karma...
-Describing 'Equality' has damaged your karma.
- You have not yet reached enlightenment.
- The answers you seek...
-Expected $true, but got $null.
- Please meditate on the following code:
-× It is a simple comparison
-at , C:\Users\Joel\PSKoans\Introduction\AboutAssertions.Koans.ps1: line 27
-27: $____ | Should -Be $true
- ▌ When you smash the citadel of doubt,
- ▌ Then the Buddha is simply yourself.
- You examine the path beneath your feet...
- [AboutAssertions]: [――――――――――――――――――――――――――] 0/4
- [Total]: [――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――] 0/635
-Run 'Show-Karma -Meditate' to begin your meditations.
+![Show-Karma result screen, showing zero completed koans][show-karma-1]
Inspect the red messages carefully, most importantly the last one.
The error message contains path to the file that you need to edit in order to progress forward.
In this case, you'll need to examine `Introduction\AboutAssertions.Koans.ps1`.
-### 2. Run `Show-Karma -Meditate` to open your Koans folder
+### 2. Run `Show-Karma -Contemplate` to open your Koans folder
Navigate to `Introduction\AboutAssertions.Koans.ps1`. Near the top you'll see:
@@ -139,47 +110,16 @@ To pass this koan you need to replace `$____` with `$true` to fulfil the asserti
You passed your first koan!
You'll notice that your overall progress updated to `1/635` and you are presented with the next challenge.
- Welcome, seeker of enlightenment.
- Please wait a moment while we examine your karma...
-Describing 'Equality' has damaged your karma.
- You have not yet reached enlightenment.
- The answers you seek...
-Expected 3, but got .
- Please meditate on the following code:
-× It expects you to fill in values
-at , C:\Users\Joel\PSKoans\Introduction\AboutAssertions.Koans.ps1: line 32
-32: __ | Should -Be (1 + 2)
- ▌ Grasping nothing, discarding nothing.
- ▌ In every place there's no hindrance, no conflict.
- ▌ My supernatural power and marvelous activity:
- ▌ Drawing water and chopping wood.
- You examine the path beneath your feet...
- [AboutAssertions]: [■■■■■■――――――――――――――――――――] 1/4
- [Total]: [――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――] 1/635
-Run 'Show-Karma -Meditate' to begin your meditations.
+![Show-Karma result screen after completing a single koan, showing one completed koan][show-karma-2]
You are on your own from here, but the progression should be fairly smooth.
If you need help, you can always ask around in the PowerShell communities:
-- [Slack](https://j.mp/psslack)
-- [Discord](https://j.mp/psdiscord)
-- [Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell/)
-- [Twitter](https://twitter.com/hashtag/powershell)
-- [PowerShell.org Forums](https://powershell.org/forums/forum/windows-powershell-qa/)
+- [Slack][ps-slack]
+- [Discord][ps-discord]
+- [Reddit][ps-reddit]
+- [Twitter][ps-twitter]
+- [PowerShell.org Forums][ps-forum]
Good luck!
@@ -235,7 +175,7 @@ Get-PSKoanLocation | Remove-Item -Recurse
## Contributing
-If you would like to contribute to PSKoans, please check out the [Contributing](https://github.com/vexx32/PSKoans/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) document.
+If you would like to contribute to PSKoans, please check out the [Contributing][contributing] document.
## Support the Project
@@ -245,9 +185,26 @@ If you would like to support the project, you can:
- [Become a Patreon Patron][patreon]
- [Donate with Ko-fi][ko-fi]
+[blog]: https://vexx32.github.io
[build-badge]: https://dev.azure.com/SallowCode/PSKoans/_apis/build/status/PSKoans%20CI
[build-link]: https://dev.azure.com/SallowCode/PSKoans/_build/latest?definitionId=1
+[contributing]: CONTRIBUTING.md
[coverage-badge]: https://img.shields.io/azure-devops/coverage/SallowCode/PSKoans/1
+[define-koan]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%8Dan
+[fsharp-koans]: https://github.com/ChrisMarinos/FSharpKoans
[github-sponsor]: https://github.com/sponsors/vexx32
-[patreon]: https://patreon.com/PSKoans
[ko-fi]: https://ko-fi.com/joelsallow
+[logo-64]: images/logo-64px.png
+[logo-128]: images/logo-128px.png
+[logo-full]: images/logo.png
+[logo-svg]: images/logo.svg
+[patreon]: https://patreon.com/PSKoans
+[ps-discord]: https://j.mp/psdiscord
+[ps-forum]: https://powershell.org/forums/forum/windows-powershell-qa/
+[ps-reddit]: https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerShell/
+[ps-slack]: https://j.mp/psslack
+[ps-twitter]: https://twitter.com/hashtag/powershell
+[reference-docs]: docs/PSKoans.md
+[show-karma-1]: images/Show-Karma_1.png
+[show-karma-2]: images/Show-Karma_2.png
+[twitter]: https://twitter.com/vexx32
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