Chapter 1. Getting Started 开始
Chapter 10. Filters and Interceptors 过滤器和拦截器
Chapter 11. Asynchronous Services and Clients 异步服务器和客户端
Chapter 15. Server-Sent Events (SSE) Support
Chapter 2. Modules and dependencies 模块和依赖
Chapter 20. MVC Templates
Chapter 23. Spring DI 使用 Spring 注入
Chapter 24. Jersey Test Framework
Chapter 3. JAX-RS Application, Resources and Sub-Resources 关于JAX-RS应用,资源和子资源
Chapter 4. Application Deployment and Runtime Environments 应用部署和运行时环境
Chapter 5. Client API 客户端 API
5.1. Uniform Interface Constraint 统一接口约束.md
5.2 Ease of use and reusing JAX-RS artifacts 易于使用和可重用的 JAX-RS 工件.md
5.3. Overview of the Client API 客户端 API 总览.md
5.4. Java instances and types for representations 关于 Java 实例和表示的类型.md
5.5. Client Transport Connectors 客户端传输连接器.md
5.6. Using client request and response filters 使用客户端请求和响应过滤器.md
5.7. Closing connections 关闭连接器.md
5.8. Injections into client providers 注入到客户端提供者.md
5.9. Securing a Client 保护 Client 安全.md
Chapter 5. Client API 客户端
Chapter 6. Reactive Jersey Client API
Chapter 7. Representations and Responses 表现与响应
Chapter 9. Support for Common Media Type Representations 支持常用媒体类型
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