-- import "github.com/codegangsta/inject"
Package inject provides utilities for mapping and injecting dependencies in various ways.
Language Translations:
func InterfaceOf(value interface{}) reflect.Type
InterfaceOf dereferences a pointer to an Interface type. It panics if value is not an pointer to an interface.
type Applicator interface {
// Maps dependencies in the Type map to each field in the struct
// that is tagged with 'inject'. Returns an error if the injection
// fails.
Apply(interface{}) error
Applicator represents an interface for mapping dependencies to a struct.
type Injector interface {
// SetParent sets the parent of the injector. If the injector cannot find a
// dependency in its Type map it will check its parent before returning an
// error.
Injector represents an interface for mapping and injecting dependencies into structs and function arguments.
func New() Injector
New returns a new Injector.
type Invoker interface {
// Invoke attempts to call the interface{} provided as a function,
// providing dependencies for function arguments based on Type. Returns
// a slice of reflect.Value representing the returned values of the function.
// Returns an error if the injection fails.
Invoke(interface{}) ([]reflect.Value, error)
Invoker represents an interface for calling functions via reflection.
type TypeMapper interface {
// Maps the interface{} value based on its immediate type from reflect.TypeOf.
Map(interface{}) TypeMapper
// Maps the interface{} value based on the pointer of an Interface provided.
// This is really only useful for mapping a value as an interface, as interfaces
// cannot at this time be referenced directly without a pointer.
MapTo(interface{}, interface{}) TypeMapper
// Provides a possibility to directly insert a mapping based on type and value.
// This makes it possible to directly map type arguments not possible to instantiate
// with reflect like unidirectional channels.
Set(reflect.Type, reflect.Value) TypeMapper
// Returns the Value that is mapped to the current type. Returns a zeroed Value if
// the Type has not been mapped.
Get(reflect.Type) reflect.Value
TypeMapper represents an interface for mapping interface{} values based on type.