The cleanest way to integrate background processing into your application.
Backgrounded provides a thin wrapper around any background processing framework that implements the Backgrounded handler API which makes it trivial to swap out processing frameworks with no impact to your code.
This library is an extension which add support for the Resque job processing framework see
execute class or instance level methods within resque background workers
supports enqueing jobs into custom queues
Bundler Gemfile configuration
gem 'backgrounded-resque'
Backgrounded Configuration
# config/initializers/backgrounded.rb require 'backgrounded/handler/resque_handler' Backgrounded.handler =
user = # perform work on the default backgrounded queue user.backgrounded.do_something # perform work on a custom queue user.backgrounded(:queue => 'custom').do_something_else
Copyright © 2012 Ryan Sonnek. See LICENSE for details.