Simple Recon Tool Just here automates your fav tools set. this my first try :) so avoid if anything wrong!
Must have this tools in /usr/local/bin with all permissions.
Easy to install those tools or else may you get any errors while this install this tools let use my Drive link download the zip file extract then copy those tools to save /usr/local/bin
Note Dont forget to add Gf-Patterns
git clone
cd Gf-Patterns
mkdir ~/.gf
mv *.json ~/.gf
gf -list
if sqlmap takes time you can stop it crtl + c then Namp starts!
Get any error like "unable to locate chorme" with aquatone just install chrome browser!
can you easily modify the code as well as run your's fav tool.
git clone
cd s1mr3c
chmod +X s1mr3c