ZigStrike is a robust shellcode loader developed in Zig, offering a variety of injection techniques and anti-sandbox features. It leverages compile-time capabilities for efficient shellcode allocation, demonstrating proven success in bypassing advanced security solutions. ZigStrike includes a custom payload builder, allowing users to easily select and construct payloads via a web application built with Python.
- compiling issue when dealing with large shellcode [FIXED]
- flask could not handle large POST request [FIXED]
- notification popup is not accurate [FIXED]
- Rundll32 is not supported [TBD- due to quick detection]
Multiple Injection Techniques:
- Local Thread
- Local Mapping
- Remote Mapping
- Remote Thread hijacking
Anti-Sandbox Protection:
- TPM Presence Check
- Domain Join Check
Output Formats:
- XLL (Excel Add-in)
Advanced Features:
- Base64 Shellcode Encoding
- Compile-time String Processing
- Memory Protection Handling
- Process Targeting
- Zig 0.13.0
- Ubuntu / Debian
- Python 3.x (for the web interface)
- Flask
The following article is released for ZigStrike highlighting the features and showcase the capabilities to bypass advanced security solutions.
git clone https://github.com/0xsp-SRD/ZigStrike/
cd ZigStrike/App/
python3 App.py
you have problem running it? you can run it via docker.
git clone https://github.com/0xsp-SRD/ZigStrike/
cd ZigStrike/
# Build the image
docker build -t zigstrike .
# Run the container
docker run -p 5002:5002 zigstrike
- [ 🔺 ] Sleep Obfuscation.
- [ 🔺 ] Function Stomping.
If you encounter any bugs or issues while using ZigStrike, please report them by opening an issue in the Issues section of this repository. When reporting, please include detailed information about the problem, steps to reproduce it, and any relevant logs or screenshots. This will help us address the issue more efficiently.
If you find ZigStrike useful and would like to support its development, consider buying me a coffee! Your support is greatly appreciated and helps maintain and improve the project. You can make a donation through Buy Me a Coffee.https://buymeacoffee.com/zux0x3a