A catalogue of all Covid-19 resources online.
Steps to contribute
Fork this repository and clone down your copy in your system.
Setting the proper upstream. Switch to your forked master branch, pull codes from upstream, then create a new branch.
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/1502shivam-singh/Covid-19-Rescue.git $ git checkout master $ git pull upstream master $ git checkout -b IssueNo
You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine to work on this project
Installation :
npm install
To Start Server :
npm start
To Visit App :
After coding, then push codes to your fork repo.
$ git add modified-file-names $ git commit -m 'commit message' $ git push origin issueNo
Finally submit a PR
Made this catalogue web app for all Covid19 related resources online, in light of the
devastation that is occuring in our country at the moment due to COVID19.
Just an iota of effort from my end to extend help.
This thing better end soon for the devastation and macabre
it's causing and together we're pulling it through, mask up!
Save this site and share it so that it can reach the needy 🎈