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Examples Part 2
00:10 - Passing Unicode strings from C# to unmanaged C++ ((host side)). Samples for arguments and for the return value.
05:21 - Passing complex types from C# to unmanaged C++ ((host side)). Samples for structures.
08:42 - Passing arrays from unmanaged C++ ((host side)) to C#.
11:33 - By the way, How to debug at runtime both managed + unmanaged environments. ~(.NET Clr & native unmanaged C++)
12:27 - Passing multidimensional arrays from C++ ((host side)) to C#.
14:22 - Passing Unicode strings from C++ to C# ((host side)).
16:23 - Passing complex types from C++ to C# ((host side)). Samples for structures.
20:50 - An alternative. Native C/C++ structures without declaration. Manual accessing at runtime.
22:47 - Passing arrays to C# from Java ((host side)). Do it anywhere.
@ 24:34 how it can be implemented without information about size. Think different -_*
const TCHAR* pemodule = _T("D:\\Samples\\PEClr\\bin\\PEClr.dll");
HMODULE lib = LoadLibrary(pemodule);
typedef void(__cdecl *alloc)();
typedef void(__cdecl *free)();
((alloc)GetProcAddress(lib, "alloc"))();
// -- getString()
typedef const TCHAR* (__cdecl *getString)();
auto pGetString = (getString)GetProcAddress(lib, "getString");
const TCHAR* msg = pGetString();
// -- via out/ref
typedef void (__cdecl *getStringArgs)(const TCHAR** );
auto pGetStringArgs = (getStringArgs)GetProcAddress(lib, "getStringArgs");
const TCHAR* msgArg = nullptr;
// TVer
struct TVer
int major;
int minor;
int patch;
typedef const TVer* (__cdecl *getTVer)();
auto pGetTVer = (getTVer)GetProcAddress(lib, "getTVer");
const TVer* ver = pGetTVer();
// -- setArray
typedef bool(__cdecl *setArray)(const int*, int size);
auto pSetArray = (setArray)GetProcAddress(lib, "setArray");
int data[] = { 0x0D, 0x0E, 0x0F, 0x3F };
pSetArray(data, 4);
int datam[2][2] = { { 0x0D, 0x0E }, { 0x0F, 0x3F } };
pSetArray(*datam, 4);
((free)GetProcAddress(lib, "free"))();
public static class Sample2
private static UnmanagedString msg;
private static UnmanagedStructure data;
private struct TVer
public int major;
public int minor;
public int patch;
public TVer(int major, int minor, int patch)
this.major = major;
this.minor = minor;
this.patch = patch;
public static IntPtr getString()
return msg;
public static void getStringArgs(out IntPtr ptr)
ptr = msg;
public static void printArray(IntPtr ptr)
int _r(IntPtr src, int ofs)
return Marshal.ReadInt32(ptr, ofs);
string _get(IntPtr _ptr, int zzz)
string ret = String.Empty;
int ofs = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Int32));
int num, i = 0;
while((num = _r(ptr, ofs * i++)) != zzz) {
ret += $"\n-> {num}";
return ret;
MessageBox.Show(_get(ptr, 7), "-_*");
public static bool setArray(IntPtr ptr, int size)
// I'll add more features soon (I hope) for work with different arrays in Conari via pointers !
// stay in touch :) github.com/3F
int[] data = new int[size];
Marshal.Copy(ptr, data, 0, data.Length);
// TODO: ....
return data?.Length > 0;
public static IntPtr getTVer()
return data;
public static void alloc()
msg = new UnmanagedString("Hello ! this is a unicode characters from .NET clr", UnmanagedString.SType.Unicode);
data = new UnmanagedStructure(new TVer(2, 7, 1));
public static void free()
EXAPI const TCHAR* getString()
return _T("Hello from unmanaged C++");
// what about complex types ?
struct MyStruct
int x;
int y;
int z;
EXAPI const MyStruct* allocStruct(int x, int y, int z)
return new MyStruct{ x, y, z };
EXAPI void freeStruct(const MyStruct* obj)
delete obj;
public struct MyStruct
public int x, y, z;
using(var l = new ConariL(@"D:\Samples\PENative\x64\Debug\DllNative.dll"))
var d = l.DLR; // or with details via bind<> .. etc.
string msg = d.getString<WCharPtr>();
IntPtr ptr = d.allocStruct<IntPtr>(7, 4, 12);
l.BeforeUnload += (object sender, DataArgs<Link> e) => {
var us = new UnmanagedStructure(ptr, typeof(MyStruct));
var g = (MyStruct)us.Managed;
unchecked {
long v = g.x + g.y - g.z;
// or like
var z = ptr.Native()
// ~ z = ptr.Native().field<int>(3);
// etc.
- Examples.
- Part-1. Managed & Unmanaged; PInvoke. C++ β€ C#.
- DllExport.
- JNA.
- You can also use my old an explanation, for example, from here:
π Home
π Quick start
π Features
π Upgrade to v1.3
- π C++ β€ C#. Part-1 ([+]πΉ)
- π Complex types and Strings. Part-2 ([+]πΉ)
- π’ Q/A