3F's IL Assembler 9.3.0 / coreclr
📑 What's new in 9.3.0 ...
NEW: Extended default types binding for the rebase option.
NEW: Implemented
directive for custom definitions;
assemblyDecl : '.hash' 'algorithm' int32
| secDecl
| asmOrRefDecl
| '.typeref' dottedName 'at' dottedName
| '.typeref' dottedName 'any' 'at' dottedName
| '.typeref' dottedName 'constraint' 'deny'
| '.typeref' dottedName 'constraint' 'any' 'deny'
| '.typeref' dottedName 'assert'
| '.typeref' dottedName 'any' 'assert'
NEW: Implemented automatic search for resource converter
by using https://github.com/3F/hMSBuild and other predefined falbacks
to resolve .res / .obj processing automatically. -
NEW: New properties for official nuget package
- e.g. $(ILAsm_W64Bin)ildasm.exe
https://www.nuget.org/packages/ILAsm -
CHANGED: Initialize mscorlib if no relevant .assembly record;
And support legacy behavior for DllExport 1.7.x (or older). -
CHANGED: Predefined .typeref definitions when rebasing is activated:
.typeref 'System.' any at 'mscorlib'
.typeref 'System' at 'mscorlib'
.typeref 'System.Span`' any assert
.typeref 'System.ReadOnlySpan`' any assert
.typeref 'System.Memory`' any assert
.typeref 'System.ReadOnlyMemory`' any assert
.typeref 'System.MemoryExtensions' assert
CHANGED: Includes other changes made to the original 9.0
NOTE: Symbols (PDB) are available through GitHub Releases: