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app/: This is the main directory for the application code.
- api/: Contains the API-related code, such as endpoints and views.
- constant/: Stores constant values used across the application.
- data/: Contains data-related files, possibly including data models or static data.
- hook/: Includes custom hooks if using a framework that supports hooks.
- schema/: Stores schema definitions, likely for database models or API request/response schemas.
- screens/: Contains screen components, typically used in front-end frameworks like React Native or Flutter.
- services/: Holds service-related code, such as API calls, business logic, or external service integrations.
- style/: Includes styling-related files.
- test/: Contains test cases for the application.
- util/: Stores utility functions or helper modules.
- init.py: A Python file to mark this directory as a package.
assets/: Stores static assets such as images, fonts, or other media files.
back-end-server-django-model-ai/: Contains the back-end server code, likely a Django application with some AI model integration.
doc/: Includes documentation files for the project.
main.py: The main entry point of the application.
test.py: A script for running tests.
README.md: A markdown file containing the project description, setup instructions, and other relevant information.
README.pdf: A PDF version of the README file, potentially containing the same information as README.md.
- UI: using Flet Framework to build Mobile App (build Flutter App) - language Python
- Back End: using Django Framework to build Server Side API and apply model AI sentiment - language Python
- Database: using PostgreSQL to store data, register FREE on render: https://render.com/
- Hosting: using Render to deploy Django API and PostgreSQL Database: https://render.com/
- Model AI Sentiment intergrated in Back End: using underthesea library to build model AI Sentiment - language Python: https://github.com/undertheseanlp/underthesea