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Releases: AHMED-5G/input-validation-builder

Transform Then Validate

21 Sep 21:24
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New Features

  • Added createTransformThenValidate function: This new function allows you to create a transformation and validation chain for input values. It provides a fluent API to easily chain multiple transformations and validations together.

  • Added callback support for each createTransformThenValidate and createValidation function: Now you can provide a callback function for each transformation and validation step. This callback function will be executed during the transformation or validation process, allowing you to perform custom logic or actions.


  • Improved TypeScript type support: The library now provides even stronger TypeScript type definitions, ensuring better type safety and improved developer experience.

  • Updated documentation and examples: The documentation and examples have been updated to reflect the new features and provide clearer usage instructions.

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements: Various bugs have been fixed, and performance optimizations have been made to enhance the overall reliability and efficiency of the library.

We hope that these new features and enhancements will further empower developers in performing data transformation and validation tasks efficiently and effectively.

Create validation

19 Sep 00:05
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Create validation Pre-release

Version 1.1.2

This release introduces several new features and bug fixes to enhance the validation mechanism:

  • Added support for custom validator functions with optional arguments.
  • Improved error handling and error message accumulation.
  • Fixed a bug where the validation process would not continue after encountering an error.
  • Updated the default value for the Args type parameter to simplify the usage of the Validator type.
  • Refactored the Validation interface for better clarity and extensibility.

Please refer to the documentation for more information on how to use the validation mechanism and the available validator functions.

We appreciate your feedback and contributions to this release. If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.