The production version of PeleRad have been moved to PelePhysics and this repository is now only for experimental developments. Further development is continuing within PelePhysics. The tests are in PelePhysics, while the example cases are part of PeleLMeX.
PeleRad was a module for modeling radiative transfer in reacting flows. It supports GPU performance portability and adaptive mesh refinement through AMReX and is coupled to PeleLMeX.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- The example CMake scripts for Summit CUDA build and Frontier HIP build are in the '/scripts' folder.
- To enable the unit tests, PeleRad needs to build with the Boost library.
To build with the PeleLMeX flow solver, GNUMake is prefered. One example script to build a test case on Frontier is provided in the '/scripts' folder.
To run the script: './'
PeleRad is designed for modeling radiative transfer in reacting flows. To activate and use PeleRad in conjunction with PeleLMeX, follow these steps:
- Add 'USE_PELERAD = TRUE' in the GNUmakefile in the case folder.
- If using the clang compiler on Frontier, link the c++ file system by adding 'LIBRARIES += -lstdc++fs'.
- Add the pelerad input keywords to the amrex-style input file in the case folder. Example keywords can be found in '/inputs/inputs.egLMeX'
- Specify the path of the spectral database ($PELERAD_HOME/data/kpDB/) is needed for the 'pelerad.kppath' keywords in the input file.
The license file is located at
To cite PeleMP, please use the following Journal of Fluids Engineering article:
title={PeleMP: The Multiphysics Solver for the Combustion Pele Adaptive Mesh Refinement Code Suite},
author={Owen, Landon D and Ge, Wenjun and Rieth, Martin and Arienti, Marco and Esclapez, Lucas and S Soriano, Bruno and Mueller, Michael E and Day, Marc and Sankaran, Ramanan and Chen, Jacqueline H},
journal={Journal of Fluids Engineering},