An application skeleton for modern PHP projects.
This repository contains an application skeleton following best practices.
- Minimalist project
- Includes frequently used tools such as a Linter, PHPStan, PHPUnit, ClockMock, CodeSniffer and VarDumper.
To use this repository you need:
- Git - The free and open source distributed version control system.
This project was built with Dockerized PHP, a lightweight dockerized environment to build PHP applications.
Just clone the repository into your preferred path:
$ mkdir -p ~/path/to/my-new-project && cd ~/path/to/my-new-project
$ git clone .
├── app # Application business logic goes here
├── public # Public folder
│ └── index.php # Application entry point
├── tests # Tests folder
│ └── Unit # Unit Tests folder
├── vendor # Dependencies folder
├── .gitignore # Git ignore file
├── composer.json # Composer dependencies files
├── composer.lock # Composer lock file
├── LICENSE # License document
├── Makefile # Makefile with frequent commands
├── phpcs.xml # PHPCS configuration file
├── phpstan.neon # PHPStan configuration file
├── phpunit.xml # PHPUnit configuration file
└── # This document
Custom commands are added to composer.json
under the scripts
Command | Description |
linter |
Runs the linter in parallel mode |
phpcs |
Runs PHP Check Style command following the PSR-12 |
phpcbf |
Runs PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer command following the PSR-12 |
phpstan |
Runs PHPStan with the specs defined at phpstan.neon configuration file |
phpunit |
Runs PHPUnit with the specs defined at phpunit.xml configuration file |
tests |
Runs PHPUnit without code coverage support |
coverage |
Runs PHPUnit with PCOV code coverage support |
Additionally a Makefile is provided with frequently used commands:
~/path/to/my-new-project$ make
║ ║
║ ║
· composer-dump [COMPOSER] Executes <composer dump-auto> inside the container
· composer-install [COMPOSER] Executes <composer install> inside the container
· composer-remove [COMPOSER] Executes <composer remove> inside the container
· composer-require-dev [COMPOSER] Executes <composer require --dev> inside the container
· composer-require [COMPOSER] Executes <composer require> inside the container
· composer-update [COMPOSER] Executes <composer update> inside the container
· check-syntax [QA] Executes <check-syntax [filter=app]> inside the container
· check-style [QA] Executes <check-style [filter=app]> inside the container
· fix-style [QA] Executes <fix-style [filter=app]> inside the container
· phpstan [QA] Executes <phpstan [filter=app]> inside the container
· tests [QA] Executes <phpunit --testsuite=[testsuite=Unit] --filter=[filter=.]> inside the container
· coverage [QA] Executes <phpunit --coverage-html=[folder=./coverage]> inside the container
$ make composer-install
$ make tests [filter="checkInvokeMethod tests/Unit/Providers/FooTest.php"]
$ make tests-unit [filter="checkInvokeMethod tests/Unit/Providers/FooTest.php"]
Coverage report in HTML is generated on a root folder /coverage
If you want the report is generated on a different path, just update accordingly the composer.json
file under the section scripts
Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities:
Only the latest major version receives security fixes.
If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please open an issue here. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE file for more information.