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A repository with a skeleton to build modern applications based on PHP


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PHP Skeleton

An application skeleton for modern PHP projects.



This repository contains an application skeleton following best practices.


  • Minimalist project
  • Includes frequently used tools such as a Linter, PHPStan, PHPUnit, ClockMock, CodeSniffer and VarDumper.


To use this repository you need:


  • Git - The free and open source distributed version control system.

Built with

This project was built with Dockerized PHP, a lightweight dockerized environment to build PHP applications.

Getting Started

Just clone the repository into your preferred path:

$ mkdir -p ~/path/to/my-new-project && cd ~/path/to/my-new-project
$ git clone .


Directory structure

├── app                 # Application business logic goes here
├── public              # Public folder
│   └── index.php       # Application entry point
├── tests               # Tests folder
│   └── Unit            # Unit Tests folder
├── vendor              # Dependencies folder
├── .gitignore          # Git ignore file
├── composer.json       # Composer dependencies files
├── composer.lock       # Composer lock file
├── LICENSE             # License document
├── Makefile            # Makefile with frequent commands
├── phpcs.xml           # PHPCS configuration file
├── phpstan.neon        # PHPStan configuration file
├── phpunit.xml         # PHPUnit configuration file
└──           # This document

Composer commands

Custom commands are added to composer.json under the scripts section.

Available commands
Command Description
linter Runs the linter in parallel mode
phpcs Runs PHP Check Style command following the PSR-12
phpcbf Runs PHP Code Beautifier and Fixer command following the PSR-12
phpstan Runs PHPStan with the specs defined at phpstan.neon configuration file
phpunit Runs PHPUnit with the specs defined at phpunit.xml configuration file
tests Runs PHPUnit without code coverage support
coverage Runs PHPUnit with PCOV code coverage support


Additionally a Makefile is provided with frequently used commands:

~/path/to/my-new-project$ make

║                                                                              ║
║                           .: AVAILABLE COMMANDS :.                           ║
║                                                                              ║

· composer-dump                  [COMPOSER] Executes <composer dump-auto> inside the container
· composer-install               [COMPOSER] Executes <composer install> inside the container
· composer-remove                [COMPOSER] Executes <composer remove> inside the container
· composer-require-dev           [COMPOSER] Executes <composer require --dev> inside the container
· composer-require               [COMPOSER] Executes <composer require> inside the container
· composer-update                [COMPOSER] Executes <composer update> inside the container
· check-syntax                   [QA] Executes <check-syntax [filter=app]> inside the container
· check-style                    [QA] Executes <check-style [filter=app]> inside the container
· fix-style                      [QA] Executes <fix-style [filter=app]> inside the container
· phpstan                        [QA] Executes <phpstan [filter=app]> inside the container
· tests                          [QA] Executes <phpunit --testsuite=[testsuite=Unit] --filter=[filter=.]> inside the container
· coverage                       [QA] Executes <phpunit --coverage-html=[folder=./coverage]> inside the container
Installing Dependencies
$ make composer-install
Running the Test Cases
Default command
$ make tests [filter="checkInvokeMethod tests/Unit/Providers/FooTest.php"]
Run only Unit testsuite
$ make tests-unit [filter="checkInvokeMethod tests/Unit/Providers/FooTest.php"]


Coverage report in HTML

Coverage report in HTML is generated on a root folder /coverage


If you want the report is generated on a different path, just update accordingly the composer.json file under the section scripts

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities:


Supported Versions

Only the latest major version receives security fixes.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability within this project, please open an issue here. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE file for more information.