This Layout made with Next.js, Shadcn UI(with Radix UI, Lucide Icons, Radix Colors), Stitches, PropType, Spline, Framer motion, Typed.js, React Wrap Balancer, Tailwind and Postcss.
Client: Next.js, Shadcn(Radix UI), Stitches, Spline, Framer motion, Clsx, PropType, React Wrap Balancer, Typed.js, TailwindCSS, Postcss like Sass, Lucide Icons and Colors.
- Full screen vertical scroll(set css scroll snap to each layers)
- Svg path animation with framer motion
- Offcanvas with blob button and curve backdrop
- Magnetic social media links
- Custom svg component
- Vertical type writer text effect
- Spline 3d modules
- Parallax text, progress and image items
- Usefull custom hook
- Eslint, Prettier, Stylelint Husky and Lint-staged
- Gitflow
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd blog-nextjs
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Format the Component
npm run format
linting the Component
npm run lint
npm run lint:style
I'm Ali Bagheri. Learning about 3 years on Frontend Development Position ...