This repo for an iOS application that shows up the latest news
- it shows up a bunch of latest and updated news with the pagination for better performance and a very neat user interface
- it shows the details for every and each news item
- it gives you the ability to search for whatever you want
- you can also navigate through the source of the news itself
- Xcode
- swift 5
- POP (protocol oriented programming)
- CleanArchitectur + MVVM
- FaÇade Design pattern on the Repository
- Core Animation
- WKWebView
- RxSwift
- RxCoca
- RxDataSource
- SDWebImage
- Toast-Swift
main | Details |
![]() |
![]() |
- Clone repo
git clone
- open terminal in project dir
cd Project
pod install
pod update
- run the project
open .xcworkspace
- Xcode 12.2 at least
- iOS 12+
- Swift 5