GitHub Action to facilitate interaction with Appetize's API. This action can be used to upload an Android .apk or iOS .app to Appetize.
Name | Description | Required | Default |
apiHost | Alternative Appetize API host | ✅ | |
apiToken | Appetize API token for your account | ✅ | |
publicKey | The publicKey of the app to be updated; If no value is provided a new app will be created | ||
platform | The platform targeted by the build, either android or ios |
✅ | |
appFile | The local path to the app file to upload, either this or appURL must be provided |
appUrl | The URL to the app file to upload, either this or appFile must be provided |
fileType | The file type of the app file that will be uploaded; Must be zip , tar.gz or apk |
zip for iOS and apk for Android |
note | A note for your own purposes that will appear on the management dashboard. | ||
timeout | The number of seconds to wait until automatically ending the session due to user inactivity. Must be 30 , 60 , 120 , 180 , 300 , 600 , 1800 , 3600 , or 7200 |
120 |
disabled | Whether or not streaming is disabled for this app. | ||
disableHome | Whether or not the home button is disabled for this app. | ||
useLastFrame | Whether or not the last image on the screen is shown after the session for the app ends. | ||
buttonText | Customize the message prompting the user to start the session | Tap to Play |
postSessionButtonText | Customize the message prompting the user to restart the session | Tap to Play |
launchUrl | Specify a deeplink to bring your users to a specific location when your app is launched. |
Name | Description |
publicKey | The publicKey of the app that was uploaded |
- name: Upload to Appetize
uses: appetizeio/github-action-appetize@v1.0.3
apiToken: ${{ secrets.APPETIZE_API_TOKEN }}
appFile: test/
platform: 'ios'
- name: Upload to Appetize
uses: appetizeio/github-action-appetize@v1.0.3
apiToken: ${{ secrets.APPETIZE_API_TOKEN }}
publicKey: ${{ secrets.APPETIZE_PUBLIC_KEY }}
appFile: test/app.apk
platform: 'android'
npm install
npm run build && npm run package
Actions are run from GitHub repos, so we will check in the packed dist folder.
Then run package
(this uses ncc under the hood):
npm run package
and push the results:
git add dist
git commit -a -m "prod dependencies"
git push origin releases/{version}
The action is now published! 🎉