This is the repository for relevant data, models and documentation for Cockburn Sound, developed as part of the WAMSI-Westport Marine Science Program.
For an overview of the CSIEM model, refer to the CSIEM Documentation.
This repository is the stable bundle including:
- The CSIEM input and configuration files, linked via
- The CSIEM science documentation, linked via
- The CSIEM analysis, visualisation and reporting tools, linked via
A basic clone will not include the code in the submodules so an extra argument is needed --recurse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules
git clone --recurse-submodules -b v1.1.0
If you want to create an archive of all the code (including the submodules), first clone the repository as described above and zip entire repository. The zip file can be uploaded to Zenodo to get a DOI. An automated integration with Zenodo will not archive the code from the submodules.
See repository Wiki for additional information on editing the repository and adding new content.