Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty Propagation Across Multiple Scales - R package (development version)
Copyright 2010 - 2020 Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology.
What is new!
AggProp package:
- 2016-10-22, version 1.0:
- several functions for temporal aggregation and uncertainty propagation via Monte Carlo simulation.
- version for the QUICS deliverable 2.3 (ESR3).
STUnc package:
- 2017-10-04, version 1.0.2: in agreement with nomenclature after Simon's suggestions e.g. V_Tank by V_Chamber
- 2017-07-28, version 1.0.1:
- added function for discrete sampling. New case 6 in MC.setup.R.
- 2016-10-22, version 1.0:
- several functions for temporal aggregation and uncertainty propagation via Monte Carlo simulation.
stUPscales package:
- 2017-10-18, named changed from STUnc to stUPscales
- 2017-10-04, version 1.0.2: in agreement with nomenclature after Simon's suggestions e.g. V_Tank by V_Chamber
- 2018-03-02, version 1.0.3: in agreement with EmiStatR version (folderOutput dismissed)
- 2018-06-11, version Namespace file updated to export parallel functions
- 2018-07-04, version Removed function Level2Volume and corresponding author contribution
- 2018-08-09, version Edited package description (more environmental models approach)
- 2019-05-04, version Added new datasets from DWD and ASTA; added MC.analysis_generic function (14.02.2019). In CRAN. Checked to work seamlessly with EmiStatR_1.2.2.0 (staged-install).
- 2019-05-30, version Included new implementations (by Benedikt) for data preparation of radar imagery from DWD and precipitation gauge data. Created functions Correct.radar, IsReg.files, Smooth.ts and xts2STFDF. Removed routine for plotting inside Agg_t.R function. Edited DESCRIPTION file to renumber package version.
- 2019-06-28, version Added MC.summary.output.R file for MC summary, estimation and standard errors according to Dennis Boos.
- 2019-11-12, version Added Create.grid.R file for Create.grid function.
- 2019-11-25, version Added Aux2Diss.R file for Create.grid, Subset.stfdf, Split.stfdf, Create.grid.split functions.
- 2019-11-26, version Added Split.grid and krigeST.parallel functions.
- 2020-04-13, version Modified MC.estatistic function before HESS submission. Modified Split.grid and krigeST.parallel functions.
- 2020-07-10, version Removed EmiStatR dependency. TODO: check build. Added Bbox.offset function in Aux2Diss. Added dataset Goe_catchment.