go get github.com/AudDMusic/audd-go
To send >10 requests, obtain a token from our API Dashboard and change "test" to the obtained token in NewClient("test")
For recognize
and recognizeWithOffset
API methods, you have to send a file for recognition. There are two ways to send files to our API: you can either
- 🔗 provide an HTTP URL of the file (our server will download and recognize the music from the file), or
- 📤 post the file using multipart/form-data in the usual way a browser uploads files.
It's straightforward.
package main
import (
func main() {
// initialize the client with "test" as a token
client := audd.NewClient("test")
// recognize music in audd.tech/example1.mp3 and return Apple Music, Deezer and Spotify metadata
song, err := client.RecognizeByUrl("https://audd.tech/example1.mp3", "apple_music,deezer,spotify", nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%s - %s.\nTimecode: %s, album: %s. ℗ %s, %s\n\n"+
"Listen: %s\nOr directly on:\n- Apple Music: %s, \n- Spotify: %s,\n- Deezer: %s.",
song.Artist, song.Title, song.Timecode, song.Album, song.Label, song.ReleaseDate,
song.SongLink, song.AppleMusic.URL, song.Spotify.ExternalUrls.Spotify, song.Deezer.Link)
if len(song.AppleMusic.Previews) > 0 {
fmt.Printf("\n\nPreview: %s", song.AppleMusic.Previews[0].URL)
If you run this code, you should see a result like
Imagine Dragons - Warriors.
Timecode: 00:40, album: Warriors. ℗ Universal Music, 2014-09-18
Listen: https://lis.tn/Warriors
Or directly on:
- Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/us/album/warriors/1440831203?app=music&at=1000l33QU&i=1440831624&mt=1,
- Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/track/1lgN0A2Vki2FTON5PYq42m,
- Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/track/85963521.
Preview: https://audio-ssl.itunes.apple.com/itunes-assets/AudioPreview118/v4/65/07/f5/6507f5c5-dba8-f2d5-d56b-39dbb62a5f60/mzaf_1124211745011045566.plus.aac.p.m4a
You can also send your local files to the API.
file, _ := os.Open("/path/to/example.mp3/path/to/example.mp3")
result, err := client.RecognizeByFile(file, "apple_music,deezer,spotify", nil)
in client.RecognizeByFile
could be any variable that implements the io.Reader interface. If you have, e.g., var data []byte
, you can use bytes.NewReader(data)
as file
There is also the Recognize
function that accepts io.Reader and []byte for local files; string and url.URL for HTTP addresses of files.
Also, there's client.UseExperimentalUploading()
that allows starting sending a file before it's loaded in the memory. Useful for large files sent to the enterprise endpoint (see the scanFiles example).
It's easy with the FindLyrics
result, err := client.FindLyrics("You were the shadow to my light", nil)
if len(result) == 0 {
fmt.Println("AudD can't find any lyrics by this query")
firstSong := result[0]
fmt.Printf("First match: %s - %s\n\n%s", firstSong.Artist, firstSong.Title, firstSong.Lyrics)
How you can use the AudD Music Recognition API:
Use our Music Recognition API to detect and identify songs in any audio content.
Create upload filters for UGC when the law requires. Find out what songs are used in any content on the Internet – or in the videos uploaded to your server. Recognize music from hours-long DJ mixes. Analyze the trends. Display the recognition results to your users. Use the metadata the API returns for your recommendation systems.
Make your own music recognition application using AudD Music Recognition API. Detect and recognize music. Identify the songs your users are listening to and display the lyrics of the recognized songs. Or just let your users search lyrics by text.
Use AudD real-time music recognition service for audio streams to identify the songs that are being played on radio stations (or any other streams).
Monitor radio airplay, create radio song charts. Get real-time insights. If you have your own content DB, we can recognize songs that you upload (it's cheaper).
See https://streams.audd.io/ for more info.