This repository contains some experimental setup for using the esp32-2432s028 develoment board with tft display within Home Assistant. Only a few gpio pins are exposed and usable, but by using I²C you could use a MCP23017 module to add additional ports.
All credits for extended pinout explanation go to macsbug, see more on:
Flashing instructions: keep the boot button pressed when you plug in the USB cable/flasher, this will allow to flash the firmware.
Remark: some boards have IO22 next to IO27 on CN1, so a single plug and cable can be used. Credits to Dave W
Two separate SPI busses are being used for the display and the touchscreen.
- id: lcd
clk_pin: GPIO14
mosi_pin: GPIO13
miso_pin: GPIO12
- id: touch
clk_pin: GPIO25
mosi_pin: GPIO32
miso_pin: GPIO39
The esp32-2432s028 has an ili9341 display that can be used via the lcd SPI bus:
- platform: ili9xxx
model: ILI9341
spi_id: lcd
cs_pin: 15
dc_pin: 2
lambda: |-
# Former led pin in the display config
- platform: ledc
pin: 21
id: former_led_pin
# Define a monochromatic, dimmable light for the backlight
- platform: monochromatic
output: former_led_pin
name: "Display Backlight"
id: back_light
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
To add touch functionalities, a touchscreen component should be added via the touch SPI bus:
platform: xpt2046
spi_id: touch
cs_pin: 33
interrupt_pin: 36
update_interval: 50ms
threshold: 400
x_min: 280
x_max: 3860
y_min: 340
y_max: 3860
mirror_x: true
mirror_y: false
swap_xy: false
The default gpio pins for I2C on an ESP32 are GPIO21 and GPIO22. Both of them are exposed in the extended IO connector (P3), but apparently GPIO21 is also used as a led pin in the lcd SPI bus, so it looks as if this gpio pin is somehow useless on the extended IO connector. GPIO35 which is also exposed in the extended IO connector can only be used for input, so also useless for I2C. Luckily there is another connector with GPIO27, which makes it possible to setup an I2C bus.
sda: GPIO27
scl: GPIO22
scan: true
id: bus_a
# Define pins for backlight display and back LED1
- platform: ledc
pin: GPIO21
id: former_led_pin
- platform: ledc
id: output_red
pin: GPIO4
inverted: true
- platform: ledc
id: output_green
pin: GPIO16
inverted: true
- platform: ledc
id: output_blue
pin: GPIO17
inverted: true
# Define a monochromatic, dimmable light for the backlight
- platform: monochromatic
output: former_led_pin
name: "Display Backlight"
id: back_light
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
- platform: rgb
name: LED
red: output_red
id: led
green: output_green
blue: output_blue
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
devicename: "esp32-2432s028"
ssid: Esp32-2432S028 Fallback Hotspot
wifi: !include common/wifi.yaml
name: $devicename
build_path: ./build/$devicename
board: esp32dev
type: arduino
- platform: esphome
- id: lcd
clk_pin: GPIO14
mosi_pin: GPIO13
miso_pin: GPIO12
- id: touch
clk_pin: GPIO25
mosi_pin: GPIO32
miso_pin: GPIO39
sda: GPIO27
scl: GPIO22
scan: true
id: bus_a
- id: my_red
red: 100%
green: 0%
blue: 0%
- id: my_orange
red: 100%
green: 50%
blue: 0%
- id: my_yellow
red: 100%
green: 100%
blue: 0%
- id: my_green
red: 0%
green: 100%
blue: 0%
- id: my_blue
red: 0%
green: 0%
blue: 100%
- id: my_teal
red: 0%
green: 100%
blue: 100%
- id: my_gray
red: 70%
green: 70%
blue: 70%
- id: my_white
red: 100%
green: 100%
blue: 100%
- file: "Helvetica.ttf"
id: helvetica_48
size: 48
- file: "Helvetica.ttf"
id: helvetica_36
size: 36
- file: "Helvetica.ttf"
id: helvetica_24
size: 24
- file: "Helvetica.ttf"
id: helvetica_12
size: 12
- file: "power-off-button.png"
id: on_off_button
- file: "radio-station.png"
id: radio
- platform: status
name: "Node Status"
id: system_status
- platform: touchscreen
name: Power
x_min: 30
x_max: 90
y_min: 20
y_max: 80
- platform: touchscreen
name: Music
x_min: 150
x_max: 210
y_min: 20
y_max: 80
- platform: homeassistant
id: esptime
- platform: template
# name: Uptime Human Readable
id: uptime_human
icon: mdi:clock-start
internal: True
- platform: wifi_info
# name: ESP IP Address
id: ip_address
- platform: uptime
# name: Uptime Sensor
internal: True
id: uptime_sensor
update_interval: 1s
- text_sensor.template.publish:
id: uptime_human
state: !lambda |-
int seconds = round(id(uptime_sensor).raw_state);
int days = seconds / (24 * 3600);
seconds = seconds % (24 * 3600);
int hours = seconds / 3600;
seconds = seconds % 3600;
int minutes = seconds / 60;
seconds = seconds % 60;
return (
("Uptime ") +
(days ? to_string(days) + "d " : "") +
(hours ? to_string(hours) + "h " : "") +
(minutes ? to_string(minutes) + "m " : "") +
(to_string(seconds) + "s")
- platform: wifi_signal
# name: "WiFi Signal Sensor"
internal: True
id: wifi_signal_sensor
update_interval: 5s
- platform: bmp280_i2c
name: "Temperatuur"
unit_of_measurement: °C
accuracy_decimals: 1
id: "bme_temperature"
name: "Luchtdruk"
unit_of_measurement: hPa
accuracy_decimals: 0
id: "bme_humidity"
address: 0x76
update_interval: 30s
- platform: ili9xxx
model: ILI9341
spi_id: lcd
cs_pin: 15
dc_pin: 2
invert_colors: false
lambda: |-
int hs = it.get_width() / 2; // Horizontal Spacing = text data horizontal center point
int hq = it.get_width() / 4; // text data horizontal center for two vertical lines
int vs = it.get_height() / 8; // Vertical Center = text data vertical center point = how many lines
int line_gap = 21; // distance of line from center of data text
it.rectangle(0, 0, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));
it.rectangle(0, 20, it.get_width(), it.get_height(), id(my_blue));
it.strftime(5, 5, id(helvetica_12), id(my_white), TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, "%H:%M:%S", id(esptime).now());
it.print(hs, 5, id(helvetica_12), id(my_blue), TextAlign::TOP_CENTER, "${devicename}"); //print title
if (id(system_status).state) {
it.print(it.get_width()-5, 5, id(helvetica_12), id(my_green), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "Online");
else {
it.print(it.get_width()-5, 5, id(helvetica_12), id(my_red), TextAlign::TOP_RIGHT, "Offline");
it.line(0, it.get_height()-20, it.get_width(), it.get_height()-20, id(my_blue)); // line across bottom above footer text
it.printf(5, it.get_height()-3, id(helvetica_12), id(my_gray), TextAlign::BOTTOM_LEFT, "%s", id(uptime_human).state.c_str());
it.printf(hs, it.get_height()-3, id(helvetica_12), id(my_gray), TextAlign::BOTTOM_CENTER, "%.0fdBm", id(wifi_signal_sensor).state);
it.printf(it.get_width()-5, it.get_height()-3, id(helvetica_12), id(my_gray), TextAlign::BOTTOM_RIGHT, "%s", id(ip_address).state.c_str());
it.image(hq - 25, 50, id(on_off_button));
it.image(3*hq - 25, 50, id(radio));
it.line(0, vs * 3, it.get_width(), vs * 3, id(my_blue));
it.print(hs, vs * 3 + line_gap, id(helvetica_24), id(my_white), TextAlign::CENTER, "BME280 sensor");
it.line(0, vs * 4, it.get_width(), vs * 4, id(my_blue));
it.print(hq, vs * 5, id(helvetica_12), id(my_white), TextAlign::CENTER, "Temperature:");
it.printf(3*hq, vs * 5, id(helvetica_12), id(my_white), TextAlign::CENTER, "%.1f°C", id(bme_temperature).state);
it.print(hq, vs * 6, id(helvetica_12), id(my_white), TextAlign::CENTER, "Pressure:");
it.printf(3*hq, vs * 6, id(helvetica_12), id(my_white), TextAlign::CENTER, "%.0fhPa", id(bme_humidity).state);
# Define pins for backlight display and back LED1
- platform: ledc
pin: GPIO21
id: former_led_pin
- platform: ledc
id: output_red
pin: GPIO4
inverted: true
- platform: ledc
id: output_green
pin: GPIO16
inverted: true
- platform: ledc
id: output_blue
pin: GPIO17
inverted: true
# Define a monochromatic, dimmable light for the backlight
- platform: monochromatic
output: former_led_pin
name: "Display Backlight"
id: back_light
restore_mode: ALWAYS_ON
- platform: rgb
name: LED
red: output_red
id: led
green: output_green
blue: output_blue
restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF
platform: xpt2046
spi_id: touch
cs_pin: 33
interrupt_pin: 36
update_interval: 50ms
report_interval: 1s
threshold: 400
x_min: 280
x_max: 3860
y_min: 340
y_max: 3860
mirror_x: true
mirror_y: false
swap_xy: false
# Exposed switches.
- platform: restart
name: ESP32-2432S028 Restart
Using one of the above enclosure options, a 600 MAh 3.7V battery and a MT3608 step-up convertor, I tried to make a Home Assistant remote control. Conclusion: it works, but unfortunately I didn't manage to keep it working for an acceptable period of time, even with deep sleep implemented.