Social media share buttons for your next React apps.
- No dependencies
- Compatible with both JavaScript and TypeScript
- Share buttons for your next React app
- Line
- Telegram
- Tumblr
- Viber
- VKShare
- Mailru
- Livejournal
- Workplace
- Instapaper
- Hatena
- FacebookMessenger
- Gab
- Share counts
- FacebookShareCount
- HatenaShareCount
- OKShareCount
- PinterestShareCount
- TumblrShareCount
- VKShareCount
- Icons
next-share is available on npm. It can be installed with the following command:
npm install next-share --save
next-share is available on yarn as well. It can be installed with the following command:
yarn add next-share --save
import {
} from 'next-share'
quote={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<FacebookIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
quote | string | A quote to be shared. | β | |
hashtag | string | Hashtag to be shared. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 550 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 400 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π FacebookIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<LineIcon />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 500 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 500 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π LineIcon props
import {
} from 'next-share'
media={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<PinterestIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
media | string | The image URL that will be pinned. | β | |
description | string | The description of the shared media. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 1000 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 730 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π PinterestIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<RedditIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 460 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π RedditIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<TelegramIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 550 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 400 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π TelegramIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<TumblrIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
tags | Array<string> |
β | ||
caption | string | The description of the shared page. | β | |
posttype | string | link |
β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 460 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π TumblrIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<TwitterIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
via | string | β | ||
hashtags | array | β | ||
related | array | β | ||
windowWidth | number | 550 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 400 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π TwitterIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<ViberIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
separator | β | |||
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 460 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π ViberIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
<WeiboIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
image | string | The image URL that will be shared. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 550 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π WeiboIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'next-share is a social share buttons for your next React apps.'}
separator=":: "
<WhatsappIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
separator | string | β | ||
windowWidth | number | 550 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 400 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π WhatsappIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
<LinkedinShareButton url={''}>
<LinkedinIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 750 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 600 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
How do you use things like title
, summary
, etc.?
Use og
tags in the <head>
block of the HTML.
<meta property='og:image' content='' />
<meta property='og:title' content='' />
<meta property='og:description' content='' />
π LinkedinIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
<VKIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
image | string | An absolute link to the image that will be shared. | β | |
noParse | boolean | If true is passed, VK will not retrieve URL information. | β | |
noVkLinks | boolean | If true is passed, there will be no links to the user's profile in the open window. Only for mobile devices. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 460 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π VKIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'Next Share'}
<MailruIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
description | string | Description of the shared page. | β | |
imageUrl | string | Image url of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 460 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π MailruIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'Next Share'}
<LivejournalIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | The title of the shared page. | β | |
description | string | Description of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 460 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
import {
} from 'next-share'
quote={'Next Share'}
<WorkplaceIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
quote | string | β | ||
hashtag | string | β | ||
windowWidth | number | 550 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 400 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π WorkplaceIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'Next Share'}
<PocketIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | Title of the shared page. Note that if Pocket detects a title tag on the page being saved, this parameter will be ignored and the title tag of the saved page will be used instead. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 500 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 500 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π PocketIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'Next Share'}
<InstapaperIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | Title of the shared page. | β | |
description | string | Description of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 500 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 500 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π InstapaperIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'Next Share'}
<HatenaIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | Title of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 460 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π HatenaIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
<FacebookMessengerIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
appId | string | Facebook application id. | β | |
redirectUri | string | The URL to redirect to after sharing (default: the shared url). | β | |
to | string | A user ID of a recipient. Once the dialog comes up, the sender can specify additional people as recipients. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 1000 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 820 | Opened window height. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
import {
} from 'next-share'
subject={'Next Share'}
<EmailIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
subject | string | β | ||
body | string | β | ||
separator | string | β | ||
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
π EmailIcon Props
import {
} from 'next-share'
title={'Next Share'}
<GabIcon size={32} round />
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β | |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
title | string | Title of the shared page. | β | |
windowWidth | number | 660 | Opened window width. | β |
windowHeight | number | 640 | Opened window height. | β |
π GabIcon Props
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
size | number | Icon size in pixels. | β | |
round | boolean | Show round or rectangle. | β | |
borderRadius | number | Set rounded corners if using round icon. | β | |
bgStyle | object | Customize background style. | β | |
iconFillColor | string | white |
Customize icon fill color. | β |
blankTarget | boolean | false | Open share window in a new tab if set to true . |
β |
import { FacebookShareCount } from 'next-share'
{shareCount => <span className="wrapper">{shareCount}</span>}
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
appId | string | Facebook application id. | β | |
appSecret | string | Facebook application secret. | β | |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β |
import { HatenaShareCount } from 'next-share'
<HatenaShareCount url={''} />
<HatenaShareCount url={''}>
{shareCount => <span className="wrapper">{shareCount}</span>}
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β |
import { OKShareCount } from 'next-share'
<OKShareCount url={''} />
<OKShareCount url={''}>
{shareCount => <span className="wrapper">{shareCount}</span>}
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β |
import { PinterestShareCount } from 'next-share'
<PinterestShareCount url={''} />
<PinterestShareCount url={''}>
{shareCount => <span className="wrapper">{shareCount}</span>}
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β |
import { TumblrShareCount } from 'next-share'
<TumblrShareCount url={''} />
<TumblrShareCount url={''}>
{shareCount => <span className="wrapper">{shareCount}</span>}
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β |
import { VKShareCount } from 'next-share'
<VKShareCount url={''} />
<VKShareCount url={''}>
{shareCount => <span className="wrapper">{shareCount}</span>}
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
url | string | The URL of the shared page. | β | |
children | node | React component, HTML element or string. | β |
import {
} from 'next-share'
Props | Type | Default | Description | Required |
size | number | Icon size in pixels. | β | |
round | boolean | Whether to show round or rect icons. | β | |
borderRadius | number | Allow rounded corners if using rect icons. | β | |
bgStyle | object | Customize background. | β | |
iconFillColor | string | white |
Customize icon fill color. | β |
Latest version 0.27.0 (2023-09-28):
- Upgrade TwitterIcon
Details changes for each release are documented in the
If you think any of the next-share
can be improved, please do open a PR with any updates and submit any issues. Also, I will continue to improve this, so you might want to watch/star this repository to revisit.
We'd love to have your helping hand on contributions to next-share
by forking and sending a pull request!
Your contributions are heartily β‘ welcome, recognized and appreciated. (βΏβ βΏβ )
How to contribute:
- Open pull request with improvements
- Discuss ideas in issues
- Spread the word
- Reach out with any feedback
Bunlong |
Arturs Kirtovskis |
Sean |
Steve Scavo |
Maddy Miller |
Joe McBroom |
Lena Kotlyar |
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