provides an optical character recognition (OCR) wrapper for the MDict app.
- Windows 10 with corresponding language packs installed
- MDict for PC 2.0.12
Install language packs through the Settings app. (See Windows support)
The target language is not necessarily the display language but the OCR feature should be installed. -
Start the MDict app. Make sure that it is the only window named
(case-insensitive). -
Hover the cursor on the word to be recognized and hit left control.
This will bring the MDict window to top and perform a query automatically.
The project uses WinUI 2 and XAML Islands, requiring the following NuGet packages to be installed.
Add a reference to the Windows Runtime metadata, which is under
C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/UnionMetadata/[Windows 10 SDK version]/Windows.winmd
. (See step 6 here) -
Some relevant property settings for the compiler.
/D "_UNICODE" /D "UNICODE" /MD /std:c++17
- And those for the linker.
/DYNAMICBASE "C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Kits/10/Lib/[Windows 10 SDK version]/um/x64/WindowsApp.lib" /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS
Cannot move MDict to front when a system app (e.g. Task Manager) gains the foreground focus.
Distributed under the MIT License.