This repository contains utility scripts for use with CESM2-GC.
Authors: Thibaud M. Fritz (@fritzt) Lizzie W. Lundgren (@lizziel)
GEOS-Chem embedded in CESM2, or CESM2-GC, follows the same code architecture and run directory structure as when running with CAM-Chem.
For now, the interface between CAM6 (the atmospheric component of CESM2) and GEOS-Chem hasn't been pushed to the official Github repository of CAM6.
In the meantime, the code to run CESM2-GC can be obtained by providing a specific Externals.cfg
, as provided in this repository.
CESM2 is a combination of different components, each of them being externally stored in a separate Github repository. Externals.cfg
specifies which Github repository, branch or tag need to be checked out.
bash script takes in one argument, which specifies the root folder of your CESM2 installation. It then downloads the CESM2-GC code directory (coupling CESM2.1.1 with GEOS-Chem 13.0.0) and provides instructions on how to setup a run directory with the GEOS-Chem chemistry option. Note that the atmospheric chemistry option (GEOS-Chem or CAM-Chem) needs to be defined when specifying the compset.
For now, compsets using GEOS-Chem chemistry end with "_GC":
- FCSD_GC (FCSD compset with GEOS-Chem chemistry)