An educational neural network app using the integrate-and-fire method. A scientific description of the underlying computational model and the app can be found in the paper published in eNeuro: Dragly et al (2017) DOI:
Visit the Neuronify website to download the latest version for your operating system.
- Download Qt from
- Run the installer and follow the instructions
- Clone the git repo:
- Open Qt Creator
- In Qt Creator, use Open Project, go to the neuronify folder and open or, whichever is present
- Under configure project that shows up, mark Desktop Qt 5.4.0 GCC and unmark Desktop before pressing Configure Project
- Press Run (green triangle) and it should hopefully build and run.
This information is mostly relevant to Neuronify developers who want to help deploying new versions of Neruonify.
This is handled automatically by our Travis CI setup.
To deploy, simply create a new tag:
git tag -a v1.x.y -m "Release of version 1.x.y"
Then push this:
git push --tags
Travis CI should pick up on this and build the release and push it to Ubuntu's snap store. You can track the build status at
Once finished, test it locally by running
sudo snap install neuronify --edge
If it works, you can log into the Ubuntu app store and change the channel from edge
to stable
Note: Once a year, we need to update the encryption keys. To do this, run the following on your machine:
snapcraft enable-ci travis --refresh
This will add an after_success
clause at the end of .travis.yml
Copy this and overwrite the existing after_success
clause further up in the file,
in the build matrix, under the linux OS configuration.
That is, make sure that the openssl command references the latest *_key
and *_iv
environment values.
In Qt Creator, you may choose to build using the MinGW or Visual Studio 2013 (MSVC) compilers depending on your installation. We recommend Visual Studio because this adds support for systems without OpenGL drivers already installed.
Compile in release mode. Otherwise the build will be gigantic.
Open Windows PowerShell.
Run the following command:
if you are using MinGW:
$env:Path = "C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin"
if you are using MSVC:
$env:Path = "C:\Qt\5.4\msvc2013\bin"
Note that the names of the folders may vary if you have a different Qt version. These above are the folders for Qt 5.4 and Visual Studio 2013.
Use cd to navigate to the build folder, above the release and debug folders.
Delete everything except neuronify.exe inside the release folder.
Run the following command to let Qt help you with deployment:
windeployqt.exe -quick -quickwidgets -multimediaquick -multimedia -opengl -quickparticles -quickwidgets -qmldir ../neuronify release
Copy all folders in C:\Qt\5.7\qml into the app folder. These are not all necessary, but the deploy tool doesn't catch all, and if any are missing, the app won't start.
Next, you will need to copy the following files to your build folder manually:
if you are using MinGW:
- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcp120.dll
- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\msvcr120.dll
- C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
- C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\libstdc++-6.dll
- C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\bin\libwinpthread-1.dll
if you are using MSVC:
- from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\redist\x64\Microsoft.VC120.CRT:
- msvcp120.dll
- msvcr120.dll
Zip the whole folder, and you should be good to go
Note that these are the files you need to copy if you are using Qt 5.4 and Visual Studio 2013. If you are using a newer version, you may want to use a newer set of files. Please refer to the documentation for more information:
qmake -tp vc "CONFIG+=windeployqt"
Open the genereated project file in Visual Studio 2015.
Right click on the project and choose to upload using the options under Store.
Simply run the following command in the build-directory:
/path/to/Qt/installation/clang_64/bin/macdeployqt -qmldir=../neuronify -dmg
This should create a .dmg that can be used on machines without Qt installed.
You should first install the index files for Qt:
sudo apt-get install qt5-doc qt5-doc-html qt5-default qt5-qmake qtquickcontrols5-doc-html qtlocation5-doc
Afterwards, run ./ in the doc folder to generate the documentation. This will be generated in a folder named neuronify-docs above the source tree.