Interface for running HUnit tests via Cabal 1.16.
git clone ... && cd ... && cabal install
Add a suite to your cabal file:
Test-Suite test-your-thing
type: detailed-0.9
test-module: Test.YourTestModule
build-depends: base
, Cabal
, HUnit
, cabal-test-hunit
Write some tests in Test.YourTestModule
import Test.HUnit
import qualified Distribution.TestSuite as C
import qualified Distribution.TestSuite.HUnit as H
tests :: IO [C.Test]
tests = return $ map (uncurry H.test) testCases
testCases :: [(String, Test)]
testCases = [("Truth tests", truthTest)]
truthTest :: Test
truthTest = TestCase $ assertEqual "True is true" True True
Run them:
cabal configure --enable-tests
cabal build
cabal test
An early version of this module, written by Thomas Tuegel in 2010, can be found in this darcs repo.
This file shares no code with that one, as the changes in Cabal 1.16 required it be entirely rewritten. I've retained Thomas' LICENSE but removed his copyright; I hope that's appropriate.