This tool allows you to export Projects, Tasks, Users, and Attachments from Asana and Import them into CosmoDB, using Azure Storage for Attachments (cheaper).
Dotnetcore3.1 SDK
In order to use this code, you will need to update the following information inside of appsettings.json
- Asana Personal Access Token
- Asana Workspace Id
- Azure CosmoDB URI
- Azure CosmoDB PrimaryKey (Cosmo DB container will be created on it's own inside of this CosmoDB resource)
- Azure Storage Connection String
- Azure Storage Container Name (This container must be created in advanced)
The Asana API has a Rate Limit of 150/minute for Free
API accounts. I have handled ensuring you will never run into that limit in the code. If you have a Premium
account feel free to remove that line of code here
👤 CloudyOne
- Website:
- Twitter: @CloudyOne
- Github: @CloudyOne
- LinkedIn: @cloudyone
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