Port 80 >>> OpenLiteSpeed proxy >>> port 81 Apache
Port 443 >>> OpenLiteSpeed proxy >>> port 444 Apache
The script will auto install OpenLiteSpeed, Apache, LSPHP, PHP. Config OLS as a reverse proxy via rewrite rules.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/Code-Egg/ols-proxy.git
Update ols-proxy/backend-cnf
for backend server IP/Port if needed. If URL is not '', then the setup script will treat the backend server as remote, and skip apache setup.
Run the setup script
cd ols-proxy; bash setup.sh
Make sure your OpenLiteSpeed version start from v1.7.6+
Enable OWASP ModSecurity rule set on OLS
bash owaspctl.sh --enable
Disable OWASP ModSecurity rule set on OLS
bash owaspctl.sh --disable