Get started through our wiki here:
This is a RESTful API that scrapes restaurant inspections in Miami-Dade County. The goal is to provide an easier way for developers to use local restaurant inspection data for their own personal projects.
You can check the original requirement here:
We are using CSV data from the State of Florida:
This is powered by Clojure, using MYSQL database. Installation instructions here:
You can check the demo app here:
The code for this repository has been released into the public domain by Code for Miami via the MIT License.
This project was kickstarted by Leo Ribeiro and is now maintained by Joel Quiles. Take a look at all contributors here.
Docker has been set up to easily create a development environment inside a container. We are still not creating a production environment, although that is certainly possible.
Just run
which will use the docker compose yaml file to setup all necessar services
Or, doing things manually...
sudo docker build -t=fbiapidev .
This will download ubuntu image, if necessary, then build our custom image.
sudo docker run -d -v .:/code -p 8080:8080 fbiapidev lein run
docker ps
-a to display both running and stopped containers
sudo docker exec -it <container name or id> /bin/bash
run -d = detach instead of following output run -v = link local volume to docker one run -p = Publish a container's port(s) to the host