Implemented systems of login, logout, registration and one interesting feature.
You can register or login if you already have an account. You will see a beautiful inscription with your name, account number and personal pattern.
Click on it and find out!
Clone this repo to your local machine using
To start the server you need the following packages:
- Flask
- Flask_SQLAlchemy
- Pillow
- Pypasswords
go to project folder and type
pip install -r requirements.txt
or just open
Open your browser and go to the
address. You will see the login page.
- The SQLAlchemy package is used to store information about users with an SQLite database connected to it.
- Upon login, the password from the form is compared with the hash stored in the database using the method
match_it from pypasswords package. If there is a match,
they go on a date, the user gets to the home page.
- When user is registering new account, the password from the form is hashed with the sha-256 algorithm using the function hash_it from the same pypasswords package and along with the login is added to the database.
- Pillow is used to create a personalized pattern. For this, the hash of the username is taken, the first 25 digits are selected from it and used as information for generating image. Initially, it has a resolution of 5 by 5 pixels.
- Then it is simply mirrored along the axes and a symmetrical 10 x 10 pixels pattern is obtained.
- The number of possible combinations: there are only 25 unique pixels to fill 3 colors are used. This means the number of possible combinations is 325. (more than 840 billion)
- I used "Login V3" template for both Log In and Sign Up forms from
- Thanks to Tee Diang for this sweet neon lettering.
- This beatiful font for neon lettering is mage by Bastien Sozoo