Welcome to my GitHub portfolio! This repository serves as a showcase of my projects, skills, and experience in Web Developer.
I'm a professional Software Developer passionate about work in a Team Developer. With three years of experience in the field, I've worked on various projects ranging from SuplexShop, Microservices for backend with Spring and my web e-commerce. I enjoy working on Java, Python and JavaScript.
- Description: E-commerce oriented by suplement products.
- Technologies Used: Django, SqLite, JavaScript and JQuery.
- Link: SuplexShop
- Description: E-commerce oriented by musical instrument products.
- Technologies Used: Spring Boot.
- Links: BFF_services, SVC services, DB Services
[Add more projects as needed]
- Programming Languages: Java 95%, Python 95%, JavaScript 90%.
- Frameworks/Libraries: Sprint Boot 88%, Django 93,5%, Node.js 85%, Next.js 65%, Express.js 85%, Angular 88%, React Native 60%, Vue.js. 55%, JQuery 87%.
- Tools: Git 88%, Docker 35%, Bootstrap 90%.
- Other Skills: GCP: Core Infrastructure 75%.
- Email: crisstofer67@gmail.com
- LinkedIn: My LinkedIn
Feel free to explore my projects and reach out to me if you have any questions or collaboration opportunities!