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This repository was archived by the owner on Jun 3, 2024. It is now read-only.


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Fabric Polyfill banner






This mod is deprecated as 1.16.5 is no longer supported and 1.18.2 backported event has been moved to Cobweb.


Backport of some Fabric API events from later versions.

Backported events

  • ServerLivingEntityEvents

How to use

To import this API in your project, do the following in your build.gradle:

repositories {
  // Other repositories...
  maven {
    url ""
    content {
      includeGroup "curse.maven"
  maven { url = "" }

dependencies {
  // Other dependencies...

  // Fabric API dependency
  modImplementation "net.fabricmc.fabric-api:fabric-api:${fabric_version}"
  // Fabric Polyfill dependency (check the correct file id via CurseForge: select the file on the website, open "Curse Maven Snippet", and copy the line)
  modImplementation "curse.maven:fabric-polyfill-926195:xxxxxxx"
  // MixinSquared dependency for Fabric Polyfill

To use the events, use them as you would with normal Fabric API events in newer Minecraft versions.

License and right of use

Feel free to use this mod for any modpack or video, just be sure to give credit and possibly link here.
This project is published under the GNU General Public License v3.0.

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