Smooth Scrollbar (
GSAP v3 (
Intersection Observer Polyfill, if you want support IE11 (
import JellyEffect from 'jelly';
// Basic usage
const jelly = new JellyEffect();
// Options with defaults
const jelly = new JellyEffect({
intensity: 0.15, // delta multiplier, set negative to invert
speed: 0.6, // duration of animation
min: -5, // minimum deformation value
max: 5, // maximum deformation value
scrollPos: () => window.pageYOffset // function that return current scroll position
// Programmatically init for each element
import {Jelly} from 'jelly';
const jelly = new Jelly(element, options);
npm install
or yarn install
or gulp serve
deploy app and start browsersync server + watchers
├── /tmp/ # Temporary served files
└── /src/ # The source code of the application
├── /js/ # JavaScript source
├── /pug/ # Pug templates
└── /_includes/ # Pug partials
├── /scss/ # SCSS styles
├── /static/ # Static files (fonts, images, videos, etc..)