- Requirements
- Starting up just Infrastructure
- Starting a profile
- Using with Portal tests
- Diagnosing issues
- Mongo failing to connect issues
- Adding services and Creating a profile
- Adding a setup task to a profile
- Mixing with local running services
- Custom URL
- MongoDB
- Squid proxy
- Terminal
- docker (recent version will include compose as part of the install)
- login for the ECR registry (this will be replaced by artifact in the future)
Starting just the supporting infrastructure services can be done by starting docker compose without a --profile
$ docker compose up
This will start:
- MongoDB
- Redis
- LocalStack
The mongodb instance is persisted to a volume called cdp-infra-mongodb
. Redis and localstack are not persisted
between restarts.
make sure you pull the latest images before starting the profile with docker compose --profile portal pull
$ docker compose --profile portal up
To run the cdp-portal-tests against this environment:
- Pull the latest portal suite of docker images
$ docker compose --profile portal pull
- Start the portal profile
docker compose --profile portal up
- Then in another terminal:
cd cdp-portal-tests
npm run test
To see logs for a running container:
$ docker ps
$ docker logs <image-name>
To tail logs use:
$ docker logs <image-name> --follow
To see detailed information about a running container:
$ docker inspect <image-name>
To have a look at the Redis data:
docker exec -it cdp-infra-redis redis-cli
To have a look at the Mongo data:
mongosh cdp-infra-mongodb
If you see the following error:
setup-cdp-portal-1 | 2024-08-22T07:49:39.636+0000 error connecting to host: failed to connect to mongodb://mongodb:27017: server selection error: server selection timeout, current topology: { Type: Single, Servers: [{ Addr: mongodb:27017, Type: Unknown, Last error: connection() error occurred during connection handshake: dial tcp: lookup mongodb on no such host }, ] }
This may be because your volumes are full. This can be fixed by carefully removing old volumes:
docker system prune
By default the profile will run the latest version of the image. You can override this by setting the SERVICE_NAME variable to be the version you need. This can either be done as an export or as part of the command, for example:
$ CDP_PORTAL_FRONTEND=0.66.0 CDP_SELF_SERVICE_OPS=0.10.0 docker compose --profile portal up
or as env vars
$ export CDP_PORTAL_FRONTEND=0.66.0
$ export CDP_SELF_SERVICE_OPS=0.10.0
docker compose --profile portal up
First, add the service definition to the compose.yml:
image: 163841473800.dkr.ecr.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/image-name:${SERVICE_NAME:-latest}
container_name: service-name
- cdpnet
- "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
- "cdp."
- ./config/local-defaults.env
- ./config/service-name.env
- PORT=1234 # NodeJS only
- ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:1234 # C Sharp only
- profile-name
You'll need to replace:
service-name | actual service name (multiple places: section header, container_name, env_file) |
image-name | name of docker image, generally same as service-name |
PORT | a unique port number, not used by other services in the profile (nodejs only) |
ASPNETCORE_URLS | a unique port number, not used by other services in the profile (c# only) |
profile-name | the same of the profile its part of |
Next you'll need to create a new .env file for your service in ./config
. The file name should match the name defined
in the env_file
section of the service definition.
You can place any config settings that are required to run that service locally in that file.
These files should be a set of environment variable key/values pairs, e.g.
First, add a new service to the docker compose:
image: cdp-local-setup:latest
network_mode: "host"
- ./config/local-defaults.env
- localstack
- mongodb
- redis
- ./scripts/{SERVICE_NAME}:/scripts:ro
restart: "no"
The image cdp-local-setup
contains a mongo, redis and localstack/aws client. On startup it runs all the scripts found
in /scripts/*.sh
Next create a new folder in ./scripts/{SERVICE_NAME}
and place the init scripts into it. Everything in this folder
will be mounted into the cdp-service-init container at runtime.
For some examples, see ./scripts/portal
I.e mixing with non docker compose services, e.g. from your IDE.
Stop the compose service
docker compose stop cdp-portal-backend
This will free up the port
Launch the local service from terminal or IDE
And everything should work (if envvars are correct)
By default you can access the portal through the frontend on
This uses sslip.io to resolve to the local IP on your machine.
You can however go direct to services, e.g. cdp-portal-frontend
at http://localhost:3000
Note you may need to update some envars to keep OICD login happy etc.
When writing tests its handy to be able to change things in the cdp-portal-fronted
and then tests the changes.
- Start the portal services as described in the first 2 steps of Using with Portal tests
- Stop the Portal Frontend
docker compose stop cdp-portal-frontend
- Start the Portal Frontend in development mode
Note over time these environment variables may change, so check the latest in the config/cdp-portal-frontend.env.
NODE_ENV=development APP_BASE_URL=http://cdp. USE_SINGLE_INSTANCE_CACHE=true PORTAL_BACKEND_URL=http://cdp. SELF_SERVICE_OPS_URL=http://cdp. USER_SERVICE_BACKEND_URL=http://cdp. AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET=test_value OIDC_WELL_KNOWN_CONFIGURATION_URL=http://cdp. AZURE_TENANT_ID=6f504113-6b64-43f2-ade9-242e05780007 OIDC_AUDIENCE=26372ac9-d8f0-4da9-a17e-938eb3161d8e npm run dev:debug
- Open your browser with http://cdp.
- You can now develop the frontend and run the tests against this and the rest of the services served via
- Start the portal services as described in the first 2 steps of Using with Portal tests
- Stop Self Service Ops
docker compose stop cdp-self-service-ops
- Start Self Service Ops in development mode
Note over time these environment variables may change, so check the latest in the config/cdp-self-service-ops.env.
GITHUB_BASE_URL=http://cdp. SQS_GITHUB_QUEUE=http://localstack:4566/000000000000/github-events USER_SERVICE_BACKEND_URL=http://cdp. PORTAL_BACKEND_URL=http://cdp. OIDC_WELL_KNOWN_CONFIGURATION_URL=http://cdp. npm run dev:debug
- You can now develop Self Service Ops and run the tests against this and the rest of the services served via
- Start the portal services as described in the first 2 steps of Using with Portal tests
- Stop User Service Backend
docker compose stop cdp-user-service-backend
- Start User Service Backend in development mode
Note over time these environment variables may change, so check the latest in the config/cdp-user-service-backend.env.
GITHUB_BASE_URL=http://cdp. AZURE_CLIENT_BASE_URL=http://cdp. OIDC_WELL_KNOWN_CONFIGURATION_URL=http://cdp. npm run dev:debug
- You can now develop User Service Backend and run the tests against this and the rest of the services served via
When writing tests its handy to be able to change things in the cdp-portal-stubs
and then tests the changes.
- Start the portal services as described in the first 2 steps of Using with Portal tests
- Stop the Portal stubs
docker compose stop cdp-portal-stubs
- Make sure any services you are testing that point to the stub have their envs updated to point to
- Start the Portal stubs in development mode
Note over time these environment variables may change, so check the latest in the config/cdp-portal-stubs.env.
- Stubs are now running on http://host.docker.internal:3939
- You can now develop the Portal stubs and run the tests against this and the rest of the services served via
E.g. if you want to use port 80:
Open your browser with http://cdp.
Or if you want to use use IPv6 (and port 80):
OIDC_WELL_KNOWN_CONFIGURATION_URL=http://cdp.--1.sslip.io:3939/...... AzureAd__Instance=http://cdp.--1.sslip.io:3939/
Note to keep the 3939 port in the URL as it will tunnel through to the stubs.
Add a new
to the services that already have that:extra_hosts: - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway" - "cdp." - "cdp.--1.sslip.io:host-gateway"
Note we already added two __cdp....` hosts but you can add more.
Open your browser with http://cdp.--1.sslip.io
The first time the cdp-infra-mongodb
mongo image is built, it will run any scripts found in /scripts/mongodb
. Any
files found in the /scripts/mongodb
directory will be run in alphabetical order in a mongo shell.
Mongo shell methods and helpers available to these scripts are https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/method/
These scripts will only be ran when there is nothing in the containers /data/db
directory. To re-run these scripts:
Docker compose down
to stop the containersDocker volume rm cdp-local-environment_cdp-infra-mongodb-data
to remove the volumeDocker compose up
to start the containers
DEPRECATED The way to add MongoDb data is documented in Adding data. These archives are still in use but should not be used to add new data. At some point they will be ported over to the new way of adding mongo mock data.
First of all insert the MongoDB archives found in scripts/portal into your local MongoDB so you can see the data.
Backup your local MongoDB data before running the following command.
mongorestore --host="" --gzip --archive=cdp-user-service-backend.archive --drop
mongorestore --host="" --gzip --archive=cdp-portal-backend.archive --drop
Make changes to the MongoDB database collections in Compass/MongoDB locally. Then run the following command to export as an archive.
mongodump --host="" -d=cdp-user-service-backend --gzip --archive=cdp-user-service-backend.archive
mongodump --host="" -d=cdp-portal-backend --gzip --archive=cdp-portal-backend.archive
To allow cdp-local-environment
to use the data in the archives. Add the following command
to scripts/portal/setup-mongo.sh
mongorestore --uri=mongodb://mongodb:27017 --gzip --archive=/scripts/cdp-user-service-backend.archive --drop
mongorestore --uri=mongodb://mongodb:27017 --gzip --archive=/scripts/cdp-portal-backend.archive --drop
To use a local squid proxy for outgoing http traffic:
Start the proxy
docker compose up -d squid
To test, configure a browser to use the proxy, e.g. with
curl -x http://localhost:3128 httpstat.us/200
To use in local CDP services in this setup, uncomment this line in
To use in other CDP services, e.g. from your shell or IDE set the this env-var:
export CDP_HTTP_PROXY=http://localhost:3128
Build a Docker image of https://github.com/DEFRA/cdp-webshell with the tag
cd ../cdp-webshell; docker build -tag defradigital/cdp-webshell .
Build a Docker image of https://github.com/DEFRA/cdp-webshell-proxy with the tag
cd ../cdp-webshell-proxy; docker build -tag defradigital/cdp-webshell-proxy .
Launch as
profilecd ../cdp-local-environment; docker compose --profile terminal up -d