Testing CDP Portal.
WDIO tests against an environment, github workflow or locally.
- Local Development
- Requirements
- Running
- Debugging
- Production
- Requirements of CDP Environment Tests
- Running on GitHub
- Licence
Please install Node.js >= v22
and npm >= v9
To install Node.js and npm Use Node Version Manager nvm
To use the correct version of Node.js for this application, via nvm:
cd cdp-portal-journey-tests
nvm use
Install application dependencies:
npm install
There are various ways to run these tests via npm scripts
. Easiest way to work out what they do is to look at the urls
used in the below table. Under the table there are more details on when to use the specific npm scripts
Command | Description | Use |
npm test |
Run in portal against https://cdp-portal-journey-tests.${process.env.ENVIRONMENT}.cdp-int.defra.cloud |
In the Portal UI against specified environment |
npm test:github |
Run in CI against http://cdp-portal-frontend:3000 and the cdp-portal-journey-tests docker compose |
In GitHub CI against cdp-portal-journey-tests docker compose |
npm test:local |
Run locally against http://localhost:3000 |
Locally ran services |
npm test:local:debug |
Run locally against http://localhost:3000 with debug turned on |
Locally ran services with debug |
npm test:docker |
Run locally against http://cdp. cdp-local-environment docker compose setup |
Against cdp-local-environment docker compose, optional with locally running services |
npm test:docker:local |
Run locally against http://cdp. cdp-local-environment docker compose setup but with cdp-portal-frontend running locally via npm run dev |
Against cdp-local-environment docker compose, with local running cdp-portal-frontend |
npm test
This is used in the CDP Portal to run the tests against the deployed service in a chosen environment.
To mimic the GitHub workflow locally. Start up the docker compose in this repository:
docker compose up --wait-timeout 300 -d --quiet-pull --force-recreate
Then run the following command:
npm run test:github
To run against portal running locally on http://localhost:3000
npm run test:local
To debug a local version of the portal running on http://localhost:3000
npm run test:local:debug
To run these tests against the docker compose
from https://github.com/DEFRA/cdp-local-environment/
Follow the instructions in https://github.com/DEFRA/cdp-local-environment/README.md around starting the docker compose setup. You will also find details on how to run specific services locally if you are writing tests against local code.
Then run the following command:
npm run test:docker
Or if you are running cdp-portal-frontend
npm run test:docker:local
npm run test:local -- --spec test/specs/deploy-service.e2e.js
In IntelliJ and Webstorm use the WebdriverIO Plugin. This provides full run, debug and breakpoint capabilities in your WebDriverIO tests.
- Add a
configuration template Run -> Edit configurations
Edit configuration templates -> WebdriverIO
- Add the following values to the
configuration template: - Add an
All tests configuration
Run -> Edit configurations
Add new configuration -> WebdriverIO
Add the values shown in the following image
:- You can now run and debug your tests in IntelliJ/Webstorm:
If you wish to run against cdp-local-environment, you will need to set the Wdio config file
to point at wdio.docker.conf.js
in the WebdriverIO
configuration template:
You can also set the following env:
This provides debug config in the wdio.local.conf.js file
Or use the npm script:
This script automatically sets the debug environment variable
npm run test-local:debug
Use the following command in code:
await browser.debug()
Tests are run from the CDP-Portal under the Test Suites section. Before any changes can be run, a new docker image must
be built, this will happen automatically when a pull request is merged into the main
You can check the progress of the build under the actions section of this repository. Builds typically take around 1-2
The results of the test run are made available in the portal.
Your service builds as a docker container using the
The workflow tags the docker images allowing the CDP Portal to identify how the container should be run on the platform. It also ensures its published to the correct docker repository. -
The Dockerfile's entrypoint script should return exit code of 0 if the test suite passes or 1/>0 if it fails
Test reports should be published to S3 using the script in
Alternatively you can run the test suite as a GitHub workflow.
Test runs on GitHub are not able to connect to the CDP Test environments. Instead, they run the tests agains a version
of the services running in docker.
A docker compose compose.yml
is included as a starting point, which includes the databases (mongodb, redis) and
infrastructure (localstack) pre-setup.
- Edit the compose.yml to include your services.
- Modify the scripts in docker/scripts to pre-populate the database, if required and create any localstack resources.
- Test the setup locally with
docker compose up
andnpm run test:github
- Set up the workflow trigger in
By default, the provided workflow will run when triggered manually from GitHub or when triggered by another workflow.
If you want to use the repository exclusively for running docker composed based test suites consider displaying the publish.yml workflow.
The following attribution statement MUST be cited in your products and applications when using this information.
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government licence v3
The Open Government Licence (OGL) was developed by the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (HMSO) to enable information providers in the public sector to license the use and re-use of their information under a common open licence.
It is designed to encourage use and re-use of information freely and flexibly, with only a few conditions.