- Purpose: This daemon executes custom commands automatically in the background that remain alive even after the terminal is exited. It sends command output to either nohup.out, the /dev/null black hole, or a custom file, depending on the option selected by the user.
- Author: Daniel Okwufulueze
- Date: 14/05/2017
auto-startupd [-h | --help]
auto-startupd [-c | --command quoted-semicolon-separated-commands]
auto-startupd [-f | --file-name fileName]
auto-startupd [-c | --command quoted-semicolon-separated-commands]
[[-b | --black-hole] | [-n | --nohup] | [-o | --output file-path]]
auto-startupd [-f | --file-name fileName]
[[-b | --black-hole] | [-n | --nohup] | [-o | --output file-path]]
# -c | --command:
This option receives the list of your custom commands in
quoted string all separated by semicolons [;].
For example: auto-startupd -c "cd daniel; do_something; do_another_thing".
# -f | --file-name:
This option receives the name of the file containing
all the commands you want to run.
Each command in the file should take a
line [separate commands with new line characters].
# -h | --help:
This option displays this help page.
# -b | --black-hole:
If this flag is set, then all output from the
running processes will be redirected to the /dev/null black-hole.
# -n | --nohup:
This flag creates a nohup.out file in the working
directories of the running processes and redirects all output
from the running processes to the nohup.out file.
# -o | --output:
The --output flag takes the path of the file you
intend to use for output of running processes.
If the file does not exist, it will be created.
All output from the running processes will be redirected
to the specified file of the --output flag.
Clone this repo or download here
git clone git@github.com:DOkwufulueze/auto-startupd.git
into the cloned or downloaded repocd path/to/auto-startupd
Install the application
sudo chmod ugo+x install ./install
You can now execute auto-startup by simply typing the command below on your terminal:
auto-startupd [option] [flag]
Now, even after you close your terminal, the commands you started in auto-startupd daemon will keep running.
Please send bug issues you may encounter to Issues
This daemon is distributed under the GNU GPL-3.0 licence