This Karma reporter will create a report file readable by the Mocha Test Parser task. You will need the Bamboo Node.js Support plugin.
The easiest way is to keep karma-bamboo-reporter
as a devDependency in your package.json
. Just run
npm install Dashlane/karma-bamboo-reporter --save-dev
to let npm automatically add it there.
You need to add the reporter to your Karma config.
// …
reporters: ['bamboo'],
bambooReporter: {
filename: 'util.mocha.json' // optional, defaults to "mocha.json"
plugins: ['karma-bamboo-reporter']
// …
In the Bamboo job, you need to add the Mocha Test Parser task after the execution of your tests.
Beware: Your tests' full names will have to be unique otherwise they might not appear in Bamboo's Tests report.
Forked from a project started by Evan Sharp: