A robust User app for django-powered sites that has Email & Phone-Number Verification functionalities.
Key functionalities are:
- "Phone Number Verification" functionality using TWILIO (for user-registration)
- "Email verification Required" functionality (as a decorator)
- "OTP Verification Required" functionality (as a decorator)
- A fully customizable & more secure user model
All functionalities:
used 'uuid' field to identify users, rather than an insecure 'id' field.
used "django-phonenumber-field" for saving a user's phone number.
User-registration & activation upon successful phone-number verification using TWILIO (Easily customizable).
Sending confirmation code again using Twilio.
Changing phone number upon successfully verifying the new number using TWILIO.
Email verification using "django-otp" framework.
Changing email upon successfully verifying the new email address.
Usable "Email Verification" decorator.
Usable "OTP verification" decorator.
Login & logout.
Updating user profile.
Changing & resetting password using email.
Deleting own profile after a successful OTP verification and password-check.
Phone-Number field is used as username field.
- pip install django (>=4.1.2)
- pip install django-otp (>=1.1.3)
- pip install "django-phonenumber-field[phonenumbers]" (>=7.0.0)
- pip install python-dotenv (>=0.21.0) # Only required if you're using this framework for your environment variables
- pip install twilio (>=7.14.2)
- After cloning this repo, just copy-paste the "user_app" app (directory) inside your django project.
- Then proceed to the configurations described below
(i) In your project's settings.py, include the followings:
- Pointing to the Customized User Model:
AUTH_USER_MODEL = 'user_app.user'
- In the INSTALLED_APPS list, add these:
'django_otp.plugins.otp_email', # Although we're not using this app's "EmailDevice" model; instead using our own one. But there is some dependency issues. So, we need this app.
- In the MIDDLEWARE list, add 'django_otp.middleware.OTPMiddleware' just after the 'django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware'. The sequence is necessary as the author of "django_otp" framework mentioned.
'django_otp.middleware.OTPMiddleware', # django_otp middleware
- Specify the default LOGIN_URL:
from django.urls import reverse_lazy
LOGIN_URL = reverse_lazy('user_app:login')
- You can optionally specify django's own email attributes as per your needs.
''' Django's Email Settings'''
EMAIL_USE_TLS = False # Should be True in production
EMAIL_HOST = '' # ex:'smtp.gmail.com'
EMAIL_PORT = 1025 # ex: 587
EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'me@gmail.com'
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'abc@domain.com'
- You can optionally specify "django-phonenumber-field" settings as per your needs. Documentation: https://django-phonenumber-field.readthedocs.io/en/latest
- You can optionally specify "django_otp" settings as per your needs. Documentation: https://django-otp-official.readthedocs.io/en/stable
(ii) Twilio configuration: Set these environment variables as per your Twilio account:
(iii) In urls.py (root), include the followings:
from django.urls import path, include
urlpatterns = [
path('user/', include('user_app.urls')),
(iv) Lastly, all we have left to do is migration. Go to your projects root directory and enter the followings into your terminal:
python3 manage.py makemigrations
python3 manage.py migrate
After we've configured the app successfully, we can start the development server from our project's root directory:
python3 manage.py runserver
and start playing around. Also, if you're not using the "django.core.mail.backends.console.EmailBackend" for your email backend, you should start a debugging server in another terminal to catch all the emails that are being sent from your localhost:
python3 -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025
Now, everything should work perfectly. We can Edit and Customize the app as suits best for our projects!
- We can integrate 'django-otp-twilio' (https://django-otp-twilio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) so that our "OTP Verification" functionality can also use phone numbers for OTP verification (in the form of two-factor authentication). Currently, it only uses Email addresses.
- We can integrate 'django-two-factor-auth' (https://django-two-factor-auth.readthedocs.io/en/stable/) so that a user can have the flexibility of using two-factor authentication.
- We can integrate django-celery (https://pypi.org/project/django-celery/) for offloading some outgoing operations like sending sms, emails etc.
- We can integrate 'django-allauth' (https://django-allauth.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html) so our users can authenticate themselves via other social media sites as they prefer.
If you find any issues, please feel free to open one.
PRs are welcome; especially, if new functionalities are added.