Unofficial implementation of the ImageNet, CIFAR10 and SVHN Augmentation Policies learned by AutoAugment, described in this Google AI Blogpost.
Update July 13th, 2018: Wrote a Blogpost about AutoAugment and Double Transfer Learning.
from autoaugment import ImageNetPolicy
image =
policy = ImageNetPolicy()
transformed = policy(image)
To see examples of all operations and magnitudes applied to images, take a look at AutoAugment_Exploration.ipynb.
from autoaugment import ImageNetPolicy
data = ImageFolder(rootdir, transform=transforms.Compose(
transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), ImageNetPolicy(),
transforms.ToTensor(), transforms.Normalize(...)]))
loader = DataLoader(data, ...)
from autoaugment import CIFAR10Policy
data = ImageFolder(rootdir, transform=transforms.Compose(
[transforms.RandomCrop(32, padding=4, fill=128), # fill parameter needs torchvision installed from source
transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), CIFAR10Policy(),
Cutout(n_holes=1, length=16), # (
loader = DataLoader(data, ...)
from autoaugment import SVHNPolicy
data = ImageFolder(rootdir, transform=transforms.Compose(
Cutout(n_holes=1, length=20), # (
loader = DataLoader(data, ...)
Finally, we show that policies found on one task can generalize well across different models and datasets. For example, the policy found on ImageNet leads to significant improvements on a variety of FGVC datasets. Even on datasets for which fine-tuning weights pre-trained on ImageNet does not help significantly [26], e.g. Stanford Cars [27] and FGVC Aircraft [28], training with the ImageNet policy reduces test set error by 1.16% and 1.76%, respectively. This result suggests that transferring data augmentation policies offers an alternative method for transfer learning.