Welcome to Dena J. Clink's GitHub page. This is where I archive my code from peer-reviewed publications, and highlight current projects I am working on.
gibbonR - R package for automated detection, classification and visualization of acoustic signals using traditional machine learning
gibbonNetR - R package for automated detection, classification and visualization of acoustic signals using deep learning
behaviouR - R package for online teaching of fundamental concepts in behavior and ecology
You can access PDFs of all of my publications on my website: https://www.denaclink.com/.
I am slowly starting to convert my code into tutorials. You can access tutorials here: https://www.denaclink.com/post/.
Clink, D. J., Zafar, M. *, Ahmad, A.H. & Lau, A.R. * (2021). Limited evidence for individual signatures or site-level patterns of variation in male Northern gray gibbon (Hylobates funereus) duet codas. International Journal of Primatology. 896-914. Code here.
Clink, D. J., Groves, T.*, Ahmad, A.H. & H. Klinck. (2021). Not by the light of the moon: investigating circadian rhythms and ecological predictors of calling in Bornean great argus. PLOS ONE. 16: e0246564. Code here.
Clink, D. J., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2018). Application of a semi-automated vocal fingerprinting approach to monitor Bornean gibbon females in an experimentally fragmented landscape in Sabah, Malaysia. Bioacoustics. 1-17. Code here.
Clink, D. J., Grote, M.N., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2018). Understanding sources of variance and correlation among features of Bornean gibbon (Hylobates muelleri) female calls. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 142: 1-11. Code here.
Clink, D. J., Charif, R.A., Crofoot, M. C., & A.J. Marshall. (2018). Evidence for vocal performance constraints in a female non-human primate. Animal Behaviour. 141: 85-94. Code here.