is a simple command line tool that generates default godoc comments on all exported types
, functions
, consts
and vars
in the current working directory and recursively for all subdirectories.
The godoc comments looks like this:
// %s missing godoc.
Where %s
is the name of the type/func/const/var.
NOTE: The comment format can be overridden via the
go install github.com/DimitarPetrov/godoc-generate@latest
Let's say you have a simple Multiply
function without godoc
func Multiply(a,b int) int {
return a * b
It is exported, therefore it is part of the package's interface. It is ideomatic to add godoc on everything exported in your package.
If you run godoc-genenrate
the code will be rewritten the following way:
// Multiply missing godoc.
func Multiply(a, b int) int {
return a * b
This way you are safe to add a linter enforcing godoc and migrate all legacy code gradually.