A small RISC-V CPU core. This is a pipeline version of CPU with AHB and cache (full command list RV32I (without fence, fence.i, ecall, ebreak)).
- lui
- auipc
- jal
- jalr
- beq
- bne
- blt
- bge
- bltu
- bgeu
- lb
- lh
- lw
- lbu
- lhu
- sb
- sh
- sw
- addi
- slti
- sltiu
- xori
- ori
- andi
- slli
- srli
- srai
- add
- sub
- sll
- slt
- sltu
- xor
- srl
- sra
- or
- and
- csrrw
- csrrs
- csrrc
- csrrwi
- csrrsi
- csrrci
For loading project with git program:
$ git clone https://github.com/Dmitriy0111/nanoFOX_VHDL.git
$ cd nanoFOX_VHDL
$ git checkout 04_pipe_risc_v_cpu_fc_cache
Or download project from GitHub site 04_pipe_risc_v_cpu_fc_cache
For working with project install:
Impotant: Before starting simulation or synthesis process make compilation program or create "program_file" folder and copy one of program.hex files from program folder.
- set PROG_NAME="name of folder with main program" is used for setting current program. For example "set PROG_NAME=02_running_bit";
- make prog_comp_c is used for compiling C code program;
- make prog_comp_asm is used for compiling Assembler code program;
- make prog_clean is used for cleaning compilation results folder.
- make sim_dir is used for creating simulation folder;
- make sim_clean is used for cleaning simulation result;
- make sim_cmd is used for starting simulation in command line (CMD) mode;
- make sim_gui is used for starting simulation in graphical user interface (GUI) mode;
- make formal_ver is used for starting simulation process with one riscv-compliance test (which is determined by RVC_TEST variable in makefile);
- make formal_ver_all is used for starting simulation process with all riscv-compliance tests (which is determined by RVC_LIST_TEST variable in makefile).
If log_txt or log_html set as '1 (tb/nf_tb_def.vhd) then you can see simulation results in log folder (log/.log and log/log.html).
- make synth_create is used for creating synthesis folder for default board;
- make synth_clean is used for cleaning synthesis folder;
- make synth_build_q is used for building project;
- make synth_gui_q is used for open project in Quartus;
- make synth_load_q is used for loading bitstream in CPLD/FPGA.
simple cpu nanoFOX currently works on these FPGA boards:
- Storm_IV_E6_V2 ( Altera Cyclone IV FPGA )
- rz_easyFPGA_A2_1 ( Altera Cyclone IV FPGA )
- Terasic DE10-Lite ( Altera MAX10 FPGA )
- Terasic DE0-Nano ( Altera Cyclone IV FPGA )
Folder | Contents |
board | Top levels of design for fpga development boards |
brd_rtl | Auxiliary modules for top levels |
doc | RISC-V ISA 2.2 |
inc | Header files for design |
program | Examples of programs |
rtl | Core source files |
run | Scripts for simulation |
tb | Testbenches for core and separate parts |
other | Readme and license files, Makefile |
- Adding Xilinx support
- Adding other Altera boards support
- Adding docs