This project is an initiative of a small group of developers to create an inverted vacancy system where the candidate can register his concept of a good vacancy (with salary, benefits, among others) and the company that is willing to hire him under those conditions can contact him
These instructions will provide a copy of the project running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What you need to install the software and how to install it
Apache Maven:
JDK 8 :
MySQL Community Server:
The project was created with Spring initializr ( and to "install this project" it is enough that you acquire the source code (via git clone preferably) and import the Jobtech folder in your IDE as " Maven Project "
- You will need to pay attention to the file (found in path src / main / resources) to configure the access information for your database, example:
Connector and location of your database:
Database access user and password:
- Since you have already met the requirements and have a copy of the code with you, open the terminal in the project folder and type:
To access the front end, in the browser, type: http://localhost:8080/page/index.html !!!INSERT INDEX IMG HERE!!!
- [Maven] ( - Dependency management
- [Spring Boot] ( - Reduced Spring settings
- [Spring Data] ( - Data access
- [Spring Security] ( - Authentication and access control
- [Spring MVC] ( - Implementing Servlet containers
- [Spring Data] ( - Data access
- [HTML + CSS + Bootstrap] ( - To give that beautiful face for application
- [Vanilla JS] ( - The best JS framework
We use Git and GitHub to version. For available versions, see the [tags in this repository] (
- ** Douglas Correia ** - * Trabalho inicial * -(
- ** Gustavo José ** - * Trabalho inicial * -(
- ** Daniela Ramo ** - * Trabalho inicial * -(
As soon as possible, we will build the list of collaborators
This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the [] file ( for details
- Tip for anyone whose code was used
- Inspiration
- etc