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Donating blood is a vital way to help save lives. Additionally, there are a number of reasons why donating blood is important. First, Blood cannot be manufactured. Despite medical and technological advances, blood cannot be made, so donations are the only way we can give blood to those who need it. Donating blood is one of the most common ways people choose to give back to their communities, and the demand for blood in hospitals is always high. Many people are not aware of just how important blood donations can be. Approximately one of every seven people admitted to the hospital need blood and also researchers have proven that a single donation can save up to three lives.
The high demand of blood in medical centers needs information systems to manage the process of blood donation wither the process has been done inside a blood bank or remotely through an ambulance. Therefore, The Blood Donation Application functionalities facilitate processes of blood donation management for the medical stuff of an ambulances and Blood Donation Banks.
Proposed System
Blood Donation App is a small light weight application for blood donation processes management for ambulances and blood donation camps. The aforementioned, application is able to create an admin account for the user, check donors eligibility for blood donation, store the information of the donor and generate report for the donor wither they are eligible or not. The proposed system can play a vital role in blood donation management process simplification and it can make decision based on the predefined conditions for donor’s eligibility condition.
Purpose of the proposed system
Blood donation application main purpose is to manage the information regarding blood donation process through creating an admin account for the user, check donors eligibility for blood donation, store the information of the donor and generate report for the donor wither they are eligible or not.
Objectives Creating an account for the user of the application through Sign Up page. Check the validation of the user through Login In page. Checking Eligibility of the donor for blood donation Through Eligibility page by matching them with pre-conditions that are inside Eligibility Table in blooddonation.db database.
Show the full report of the eligible donor. Show the Blood Type Distribution in the world through matplotlib. Show the details of the donors by retrieving query from donor’s table and showing it inside the application.